英日字典: 評価
19 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- evaluation, rating, valuation
- 鑑定, 値踏み, 査定, 位置付, 位置付け, 評点, 評価, 品定め, 評定, 採点, 位置づけ, 格付け, 値積もり
- an appraisal of the value of something; "he set a high valuation on friendship"
- ある物の価値を査定すること
- valuation
- 評価
- assessed price; "the valuation of this property is much too high"
- 査定価格
- judgment, judgement, assessment
- 鑑定, 審判, 査定, 判断, アセスメント, 評価, 審査, 価値判断, 判定
- the act of judging or assessing a person or situation or event; "they criticized my judgment of the contestants"
- 人、状況または出来事を判断または評価する行為
- view, opinion
- 意嚮, 考え, 意見, 考え方, オピニオン, 評価, 意向, 所存, 主張, 所見, 見解
- a message expressing a belief about something; the expression of a belief that is held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof; "his opinions appeared frequently on the editorial page"
- 何かについて信念を表しているメッセージ
- estimation, estimate
- 鑑定, 意見, 判断, 評価
- a judgment of the qualities of something or somebody; "many factors are involved in any estimate of human life"; "in my estimation the boy is innocent"
- 物や人の質の判断
- appraisal, estimation, estimate
- 鑑定, 見積り, 値踏み, 品評, 目きき, 査定, 積り書き, 目利き, 品定, 積もり書き, 評価, 目利, 積算, 積書, 見積もり, 積書き, 積り書, 品題, 見積, 換価, 値踏
- a document appraising the value of something (as for insurance or taxation)
- (保険または課税等のため)何かの価値を評価する文書
- grade, score, mark
- 点数, スコア, ポイント, クラス, グレード, グレイド, 評点, 評価, 等級, 点
- a number or letter indicating quality (especially of a student's performance); "she made good marks in algebra"; "grade A milk"; "what was your score on your homework?"
- 質を指し示す数あるいは文字(特に学生の成績)
- value, measure, assess, valuate, appraise, evaluate
- 鑑定, 価値付ける, 踏む, 値踏み, 品評, 計測, 査定, 位置付, 量る, 位置付け, 測る, 測算, 実測, 品定, 評価, 品定め, 判ずる, 位置づける, 価値判断, 品さだめ, 評定, 品隲, 価値づける, 計る, 換価, 測量, 位置づけ, 見立てる, 値打ち, 測定, 値踏, 格付け
- evaluate or estimate the nature, quality, ability, extent, or significance of; "I will have the family jewels appraised by a professional"; "access all the factors when taking a risk"
- 本質、能力、程度または重要さを見極める、または見積もる
- assess, tax
- 評価
- set or determine the amount of (a payment such as a fine)
- (罰金などの支払い)を設定または決定する
- judge, evaluate, pass judgment
- 鑑定, 品評, 判断, 評する, 品定, 評価, 品定め, 価値判断, 品さだめ, 判定, 評定, 品隲, 価値づける, ジャッジ
- form a critical opinion of; "I cannot judge some works of modern art"; "How do you evaluate this grant proposal?" "We shouldn't pass judgment on other people"
- 批判的な意見を形成する
- rate, value
- 価値付ける, 評する, 評価, 見る, 評定, 価値づける
- estimate the value of; "How would you rate his chances to become President?"; "Gold was rated highly among the Romans"
- 価値を見積もる
- value
- 貴ぶ, 評価, 重んずる, 重んじる, 尊ぶ
- fix or determine the value of; assign a value to; "value the jewelry and art work in the estate"
- 固定するか、値を測定する
- size up, take stock, scrutinise, scrutinize
- 吟味, 品定, 評価, 品定め, 品さだめ, 精察, 精査, じろじろ見る
- to look at critically or searchingly, or in minute detail; "he scrutinized his likeness in the mirror"
- 批判的に、または厳しく事細かに見る
- rate, order, range, place, grade, rank
- 位置付, 序列づける, 位置付け, 序列付ける, 評する, 格付, 評価, 位取り, 位置付ける, ランク, 位置づける, 評定, 価値づける, 採点, 位置づけ, 格付け
- assign a rank or rating to; "how would you rank these students?"; "The restaurant is rated highly in the food guide"
- 階級または等級を付す
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