英日字典: regard
KK Pronunciation
〔 rI`gɑrd 〕
〔 riˋ^ɑ:d 〕
The regard has 10 Senses.
- regard, respect
- (usually preceded by `in') a detail or point; "it differs in that respect"
- 詳細または点
- regard, heed, attentiveness, paying attention
- 配慮, 気配り, 考慮, 配意, 顧慮, 心遣い, 関心, 留意
- paying particular notice (as to children or helpless people); "his attentiveness to her wishes"; "he spends without heed to the consequences"
- (子供や無力な人々に対して)特に注意を払うこと
- regard, compliments, wish
- 尊重, 敬意
- (usually plural) a polite expression of desire for someone's welfare; "give him my kind regards"; "my best wishes"
- 人の幸福な生活を望むことの、丁寧な表現
- regard, gaze
- 凝視, 注視
- a long fixed look; "he fixed his paternal gaze on me"
- 長くじっと見ること
- regard, respect, esteem
- 敬畏, 尊重, 敬, 敬慕, 敬重, 敬仰, 推重, 恭敬, 敬い, 欽仰, 尊敬, 瞻仰, 畏敬, 欽慕
- the condition of being honored (esteemed or respected or well regarded); "it is held in esteem"; "a man who has earned high regard"
- ほめ称えられていること(尊敬され、尊重され、敬意を払われていること)
- regard, respect
- 尊重, 敬意, 恭敬, 尊敬, 畏敬
- a feeling of friendship and esteem; "she mistook his manly regard for love"; "he inspires respect"
- 友情と尊重の気持ち
- view, see, consider, regard, reckon
- 考える, 思う, 惟う
- deem to be; "She views this quite differently from me"; "I consider her to be shallow"; "I don't see the situation quite as negatively as you do"
- そうであると考える
- involve, affect, regard
- 差し響く, 係る, 係わる, 響く
- connect closely and often incriminatingly; "This new ruling affects your business"
- 密接に、そしてしばしば有罪判決を招くように親密に関係する
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