英日字典: jerk
KK Pronunciation
〔 dʒʒk 〕
〔 dʒә:k 〕
The jerk has 11 Senses.
- dork, jerk
- あほ, まぬけ, とんま
- a dull stupid fatuous person
- 鈍感で愚かでまぬけな人
- jerk
- (mechanics) the rate of change of acceleration
- 加速の変化率
- jerk
- raising a weight from shoulder height to above the head by straightening the arms
- 肩の高さから腕を伸ばすことで頭より上に重りを上げること
- tug, jerk
- a sudden abrupt pull
- 突然の不意の引き
- yank, jerk
- ぐいっと引っ張る
- pull, or move with a sudden movement; "He turned the handle and jerked the door open"
- 引く、突然の動きによって動く
- twitch, jerk
- ヒクつく, ひくひくする, ひくつく, ぴくぴく動く
- move with abrupt, seemingly uncontrolled motions; "The patient's legs were jerkings"
- 不意の、外見的には抑制できない動きを伴って動く
- twitch, jerk
- ヒクつく, 吊る, 引きつる, 引攣る, 引っつる, ひくひくする, ひくつく, ぴくぴく動く, 引攣れる, 引っ攣れる, 引き攣れる, 引っつれる, 引っ攣る, 引き攣る
- make an uncontrolled, short, jerky motion; "his face is twitching"
- 制御できない、短い、痙攣的な動きをする
- buck, hitch, jerk
- jump vertically, with legs stiff and back arched; "the yung filly bucked"
- 足を強ばらせ、背中を丸めて、垂直に飛び跳ねる
- flick, jerk
- ひょいと投げる, 放る
- throw or toss with a quick motion; "flick a piece of paper across the table"; "jerk his head"
- 速いモーションで投げるまたはトスする
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