英日字典: 注文
8 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- order
- 註文, 順序, 用命, 紀律, 体制, 秩序, 順番, 順位, オーダー, 目, 勲章, 注文, 号令, 次第, 後先, 命令, 整頓, 規律, オーダ, 修道会, 命, 仰せ
- (biology) taxonomic group containing one or more families
- 1つ以上の科を含む分類群
- demand
- 要求, 註文, 用命, 要望, デマンド, 要請, 懇請, 懇願, 希求, 求め, 注文, 申請, 冀求, 頼み, 嘆願, 歎願, リクエスト, 請求, 需要, 出願, 請い, 所望
- the act of demanding; "the kidnapper's exorbitant demands for money"
- 要求する行為
- purchase order, order
- ご注文, 註文, オーダー, 購入注文, 注文, オーダ
- a commercial document used to request someone to supply something in return for payment and providing specifications and quantities; "IBM received an order for a hundred computers"
- 代金を支払って調達を依頼するのに用いられる商売用の書類であり、明細事項と数量を提示している
- order
- ご注文, 註文, 用命, 誂, オーダー, 誂え, 注文, オーダ, 所望
- a request for something to be made, supplied, or served; "I gave the waiter my order"; "the company's products were in such demand that they got more orders than their call center could handle"
- 作るか、提供するか、または供給するという要求
- expect, ask, require
- 期待, 要求, 註文, 要望, 期する, 頼む, 期す, 乞う, 注文, 求める, 請う, 願う, 所期, 望む
- consider obligatory; request and expect; "We require our secretary to be on time"; "Aren't we asking too much of these children?"; "I expect my students to arrive in time for their lessons"
- 義務的であると考える
- demand
- 談じ込む, 要求, 註文, 督促, 詰寄る, 要望, 強要, 要請, 督する, 注文, 求める, 迫る, つめ寄る, 催促, 請求, 督責, 促す, 詰めよる
- request urgently and forcefully; "The victim's family is demanding compensation"; "The boss demanded that he be fired immediately"; "She demanded to see the manager"
- 緊急に、そして、力強く要請する
- order
- 誂える, 註文, 頼む, オーダー, 注文, 発注, 発註, オーダ
- make a request for something; "Order me some flowers"; "order a work stoppage"
- 何かのために要求する
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