英日字典: put_away
The put_away has 7 Senses.
- lock up, put away, lock in, lock away, shut away, shut up, lock
- 仕舞い込む, 仕舞う, 押込める, 仕舞込む, 取収める, 留置, しまい込む, 押し込める, 仕舞いこむ, 閉じ込める
- place in a place where something cannot be removed or someone cannot escape; "The parents locked her daughter up for the weekend"; "She locked her jewels in the safe"
- 取り除くことができないまたは誰も逃げることができない場所に置かれる
- cast away, throw out, fling, toss away, discard, throw away, put away, cast aside, toss out, dispose, toss, cast out, chuck out
- 一擲, 投げすてる, 打っ棄る, 打っちゃる, 投棄, ほっぽる, 取捨てる, ほかす, 取り捨てる, 投げ棄てる, うっちゃらかす, ほうりだす, 抛り出す, 打っ遣る, 放下, 取りすてる, 投打つ, 捨てる, 投げ打つ, うっちゃる, 擲つ, かなぐり棄てる, 抛りだす, 投捨てる, 放す, 棄てる, 投棄てる, 投げ捨てる, 除く, かなぐり捨てる, とり捨てる, 抛つ, 打ち捨てる
- throw or cast away; "Put away your worries"
- 投げ捨てる
- remand, put away, jail, incarcerate, put behind bars, lag, immure, gaol, jug, imprison
- 投獄, 拘禁, ぶち込む, 収監, 拘置, 禁固, 禁錮, 押込める, 監禁, 幽する, 押し込める, 押しこめる, 幽閉, 閉じ込める
- lock up or confine, in or as in a jail; "The suspects were imprisoned without trial"; "the murderer was incarcerated for the rest of his life"
- 閉じ込める、あるいは監禁する、刑務所のように
- put away, put aside
- 片づける
- stop using; "the children were told to put away their toys"; "the students put away their notebooks"
- 使を止める
- put to sleep, put away
- kill gently, as with an injection; "the cat was very ill and we had to put it to sleep"
- 注でのように、穏やかに殺す
- put away, tuck in, tuck away
- eat up; usually refers to a considerable quantity of food; "My son tucked in a whole pizza"
- 食べ尽くす
- put away, put aside
- 片付ける, 寄せる
- turn away from and put aside, perhaps temporarily; "it's time for you to put away childish things"
- おそらく一時的に、向きを変える、脇へ置く
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