英日字典: jam
KK Pronunciation
〔 dʒæm 〕
〔 dʒæm 〕
The jam has 11 Senses.
- jam
- ジャム
- preserve of crushed fruit
- つぶした果物の砂糖煮
- mess, kettle of fish, hole, pickle, muddle, fix, jam
- どさくさ, ごたくさ, ごたごた, ごたつき, もつれ
- informal terms for a difficult situation; "he got into a terrible fix"; "he made a muddle of his marriage"
- 困難な状況を表す口語
- jamming, jam, electronic jamming
- 妨害
- deliberate radiation or reflection of electromagnetic energy for the purpose of disrupting enemy use of electronic devices or systems
- 敵の電子機器またはシステムの使用を混乱させる目的で電磁波を故意に放出したり反射させること
- jam
- push down forcibly; "The driver jammed the brake pedal to the floor"
- 強制的に押し下げる
- jam, crush
- crush or bruise; "jam a toe"
- 破砕か打撲傷
- jam, block
- 受信妨害する, 電波妨害する
- interfere with or prevent the reception of signals; "Jam the Voice of America"; "block the signals emitted by this station"
- 信号の受信を阻害する、または防ぐ
- jam
- 詰める
- get stuck and immobilized; "the mechanism jammed"
- はまって動けなくなる
- jampack, jam, chock up, cram, wad, ram
- 詰めこむ, 詰め込む, 押込める, 押しつめる, 詰める, 押込む, 押し込める, 押しこめる, 詰込む, 押詰める, 押し詰める
- crowd or pack to capacity; "the theater was jampacked"
- 混雑しているあるいは超満員である
- jam, block, occlude, obstruct, close up, impede, obturate
- 閉塞, 塞ぐ, 閉ざす, 塞げる, ブロック, 壅塞, 閉鎖, 封じる, 壅ぐ, 遮る, 封鎖, 壅塞阻止, 遮断, 断つ, 封ずる
- block passage through; "obstruct the path"
- 通行を妨げる
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