英日字典: spring
KK Pronunciation
〔 sprIŋ 〕
〔 spriŋ 〕
The spring has 11 Senses.
- springtime, spring
- 春陽, プランタン, 春期, 春季, 春, スプリング, 春月, 三春, プリンタン
- the season of growth; "the emerging buds were a sure sign of spring"; "he will hold office until the spring of next year"
- 成長の季節
- spring
- 撥条, ばね, 弾機, バネ, 発条, スプリング
- a metal elastic device that returns to its shape or position when pushed or pulled or pressed; "the spring was broken"
- 押されたり引っ張られたり圧し縮められたときに元の形や場所に戻る金属製の装置
- spring
- 湧泉, 走り井, 噴泉, 走井, 涌泉, 泉
- a point at which water issues forth
- 水がわき出る場所
- springiness, give, spring
- 伸縮性, 弾力性
- the elasticity of something that can be stretched and returns to its original length
- 引き伸ばすことができ、元の長さに戻る物の弾性
- jump, spring, bound, leap
- 跳躍, 飛び跳ねる, 飛びあがる, 飛び上がる, 跳ねる, 飛躍, 跳ぶ, 飛上がる, 躍る, 弾む, はね上がる, 跳る
- move forward by leaps and bounds; "The horse bounded across the meadow"; "The child leapt across the puddle"; "Can you jump over the fence?"
- 飛躍的に前進する
- recoil, ricochet, take a hop, rebound, spring, resile, bounce, reverberate, bound
- 跳ね上がる, 跳ね返る, 跳ね上る, 跳ねあがる, 刎ね上がる, 跳び上がる, 跳上る, バウンド, 跳ねる, 跳上がる, 跳ねかえる, 弾む, 跳返る, はね上がる, 跳る, 跳び出す, リバウンド
- spring back; spring away from an impact; "The rubber ball bounced"; "These particles do not resile but they unite after they collide"
- 後ろに跳ねる
- spring
- 生じさせる
- develop suddenly; "The tire sprang a leak"
- 突然発症する
- spring
- produce or disclose suddenly or unexpectedly; "He sprang these news on me just as I was leaving"
- 突然、または、予想外に産出する、明らかにする
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