英日字典: 御休み
8 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- holiday
- 休み, 田暇, ホリデー, 暇, ホリデイ, お休み, 物日, 節, 公休, 祝祭日, 休日, 記念日, 祝日, 祭日, 公休日, 田假, ドンタク, 田仮, 祝い日, 休み日, 御休み, 休暇
- a day on which work is suspended by law or custom; "no mail is delivered on federal holidays"; "it's a good thing that New Year's was a holiday because everyone had a hangover"
- 法律や慣習で労働が中止される日
- rest, relaxation, ease, repose
- 休み, 休養, ひと休み, お休み, 息抜き, 休息, 憩, リラクセーション, 休憩, リラックス, リラクゼーション, 一休み, 息休め, くつろぎ, 憩い, 御休み, 骨休め, 休, 寛ぎ
- freedom from activity (work or strain or responsibility); "took his repose by the swimming pool"
- (仕事や緊張、責任など)行動からの解放
- sleep, slumber
- お休み, ねんねこ, 御寝, 就眠, 睡眠, 眠り, ねね, 睡り, スリープ, 御休み
- a natural and periodic state of rest during which consciousness of the world is suspended; "he didn't get enough sleep last night"; "calm as a child in dreamless slumber"
- 休息中に人間の意識が途切れる、自然で周期的な状態
- leave, leave of absence
- 休み, 暇, お休み, 賜暇, 公暇, 御休み, 休暇
- the period of time during which you are absent from work or duty; "a ten day's leave to visit his mother"
- 仕事または義務を離れる期間
- holiday, vacation
- 休み, ホリデー, ホリデイ, お休み, 請暇, ヴァカンス, バカンス, バケーション, 連休, 休日, ヴァケイション, ドンタク, バケイション, ヴァケーション, 休み日, 御休み, 休暇
- leisure time away from work devoted to rest or pleasure; "we get two weeks of vacation every summer"; "we took a short holiday in Puerto Rico"
- 労働を離れた余暇時間で、休息または娯楽に用いられる
- rest, respite, rest period, relief
- 休み, 休止, 休養, お休み, 息抜き, レスト, 休息, 憩, 中休, 休憩, 養生, 中休み, 息休め, 憩い, 静養, 御休み, 休
- a pause for relaxation; "people actually accomplish more when they take time for short rests"
- 息抜きのための休止
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