英日字典: snap 英漢 英英 简体
KK Pronunciation
〔 snæp 〕
〔 snæp 〕
The snap has 26 Senses.
snap , grab , snatch , catch キャッチ , 鷲づかみ , 鷲掴み , とらえること , わし掴み , つかむこと , 鷲掴 the act of catching an object with the hands; "Mays made the catch with his back to the plate"; "he made a grab for the ball before it landed"; "Martin's snatch at the bridle failed and the horse raced away"; "the infielder's snap and throw was a single motion" 手で物をつかむ行為
snap a spell of cold weather; "a cold snap in the middle of May" 寒空続き
snap , snap bean tender green beans without strings that easily snap into sections 簡単に割れて分割できる紐のない柔らかい緑の豆
snap スナップ the noise produced by the rapid movement of a finger from the tip to the base of the thumb on the same hand; "servants appeared at the snap of his fingers" 同じ手の先端から親指の根元までの指の迅速な動きによって発生した雑音
snap , cracking , crack 隙間 , スナップ a sudden sharp noise; "the crack of a whip"; "he heard the cracking of the ice"; "he can hear the snap of a twig" 突然の鋭い音
snap a sudden breaking 突然の破壊
snap , elasticity 撓い , 柔軟性 , しなやかさ , 柔軟さ the tendency of a body to return to its original shape after it has been stretched or compressed; "the waistband had lost its snap" 物体を引き伸ばしたり、圧縮したりした後、元の形に戻ろうとする性向
snap , shot , snapshot スナップショット , スナップ an informal photograph; usually made with a small hand-held camera; "my snapshots haven't been developed yet"; "he tried to get unposed shots of his friends" 形式張らない写真
snap , snap fastener , press stud スナップ a fastener used on clothing; fastens with a snapping sound; "children can manage snaps better than buttons" 衣服に使われる留め具
picnic , snap , walkover , breeze , piece of cake , cinch , pushover , child's play , duck soup 朝駆の駄賃 , お茶の子 , 朝飯前 , 御茶の子 , 朝駆けの駄賃 , 朝がけの駄賃 , 河童の屁 , 屁の河童 any undertaking that is easy to do; "marketing this product will be no picnic" するのが簡単である仕事のいずれか
snap the act of snapping the fingers; movement of a finger from the tip to the base of the thumb on the same hand; "he gave his fingers a snap" 指をぱちんと鳴らす行為
snap , centering センタリング , スナップ (American football) putting the ball in play by passing it (between the legs) to a back; "the quarterback fumbled the snap" ボールを[脚の間で]後ろの通すことでそれを置くこと
snarl , snap 噛付く , 呻く , キレる , 噛み付く utter in an angry, sharp, or abrupt tone; "The sales clerk snapped a reply at the angry customer"; "The guard snarled at us" 怒った、鋭いまたは突然の声色で声を発する
rupture , tear , snap , bust 裂く , 割く , 裂ける , 破る separate or cause to separate abruptly; "The rope snapped"; "tear the paper" 分離または突然分離する
snap , crack 折損 , 破れる , 切れる , 割れる , 折れる , 摧破 , 砕破 break suddenly and abruptly, as under tension; "The pipe snapped" 緊張下にあるように突然、不意に壊れる
click , snap move or strike with a noise; "he clicked on the light"; "his arm was snapped forward" 雑音を伴って動くまたはたたく
snap カチッと閉まる close with a snapping motion; "The lock snapped shut" パチンと音を立てる動きで閉じる
snap , crack 鋭い音をたてる make a sharp sound; "his fingers snapped" 鋭い音をたてる
snap move with a snapping sound; "bullets snapped past us" パチンといっている音とともに動く
snatch , snatch up , snap 掻っぱらう , 分捕る , 奪取 , 横どり , 掻っ攫う , ぱくる , 横取り , かっ払う , 掻払う , 掠めとる , 掠め取る , 掴み取る , かすめ取る , 打ったくる , 掻攫う , 掠取る , 横取 , ぶったくる , 掻っ払う , 盗む to grasp hastily or eagerly; "Before I could stop him the dog snatched the ham bone" 急いで、または熱心につかむ
snap put in play with a snap; "snap a football" スナップをプレーに入れる
flick , click , snap 鳴す , クリック , 鳴らす cause to make a snapping sound; "snap your fingers" はじけるような音を出すようにする
break down , lose it , snap lose control of one's emotions; "When she heard that she had not passed the exam, she lost it completely"; "When her baby died, she snapped" その人の感情の自制心を失う
snap bring the jaws together; "he snapped indignantly" 顎を一緒に合わせる
photograph , shoot , snap 撮る , 写す , 撮影 record on photographic film; "I photographed the scene of the accident"; "She snapped a picture of the President" 写真用フィルムに記録する 返回 →