英日字典: 不適
11 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- unworthiness, inappropriateness
- 不適, 不穏当
- the quality of being not particularly suitable or befitting; "he retracted nothing that he had said about the inappropriateness of either a corporeal God or a God who is a person"; "his praise released from her loud protestations of her unworthiness"
- 特に適当という訳ではない、またはふさわしいという訳ではない性質
- impropriety, familiarity, indecorum, liberty
- 不穏, 不適, 不道徳, 親しさ, 自由, 不義, 不体裁, 不穏当, 失当
- an act of undue intimacy
- 適切でない親しさの行為
- insufficiency, inadequacy
- 不適, 不足, 不十分
- a lack of competence; "pointed out the insufficiencies in my report"; "juvenile offenses often reflect an inadequacy in the parents"
- 能力の不足
- inappropriate
- 場違, 不適, 不適当, 不釣合い, そぐわない, 場違い, 不釣り合い, 不穏当, 不相応, 不釣合, 場ちがい
- not suitable for a particular occasion etc; "noise seems inappropriate at a time of sadness"; "inappropriate shoes for a walk on the beach"; "put inappropriate pressure on them"
- 特定の出来事などにふさわしくない
- improper
- 不適, 不適当
- not suitable or right or appropriate; "slightly improper to dine alone with a married man"; "improper medication"; "improper attire for the golf course"
- 適当でない、正しくない、または、適切でない
- wrong, improper
- 不適, 不適当
- not appropriate for a purpose or occasion; "said all the wrong things"
- 目的か場合に適切でない
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