英日字典: たくさん
9 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- much, often, a great deal
- 屡屡, 大きに, 再再, 往往, 屡々, いくらも, 仰山, うんと, 間間, たくさん, 再三, 度度, 間々, 良く, ドンと, どんと, ぎょうさん, 頻く頻く, 克く, 頻って, 幾らも, 大いに, 少からず, 繁繁, 度々, いっぱい, 頻りと, 沢山, 繁々, たびたび, 頻りに, 一杯, しこたま, 善く, 重ね重ね, よく, ちょこちょこ, たんと, ちょいちょい, 多く, ちょくちょく, 好く, 能く, しきりと, しきりに, しばしば
- frequently or in great quantities; "I don't drink much"; "I don't travel much"
- 頻繁、あるいはかなりの量
- plenty, enough
- 十分, たくさん, おさおさ, 充分, 千度, 沢山, 優に
- as much as necessary; "Have I eaten enough?"; (`plenty' is nonstandard) "I've had plenty, thanks"
- 必要なだけ
- richly, amply
- たくさん, ふんだんに, 沢山
- to an ample degree or in an ample manner; "these voices were amply represented"; "we benefited richly"
- 十分に、またはふんだんに
- abundantly, extravagantly, copiously, profusely
- 山山, うんと, たくさん, 聢り, 豊富, 確り, ふんだんに, 沢山, 大量, 多く
- in an abundant manner; "they were abundantly supplied with food"; "he thanked her profusely"
- 豊富なさまの
- amply, fully
- みっちり, 十分, 遺憾無く, たくさん, 万万, 万々, 充分, ふんだんに, よく
- sufficiently; more than adequately; "the evidence amply (or fully) confirms our suspicions"; "they were fully (or amply) fed"
- 十分に
- abundant
- 多量, 豊満, たくさん, 豊饒, 豊, 数多, 潤沢, 豊富, 浩大, 沢山, 豊か, 大量, 総やか, 厖大, ふんだん, 豊潤
- present in great quantity; "an abundant supply of water"
- かなりの量で存在する
- sizable, sizeable, ample
- 十分, たくさん, 可也, 大形, 可成, 充分, 潤沢, 大きい, 豊富, 沢山, 多額
- fairly large; "a sizable fortune"; "an ample waistline"; "of ample proportions"
- かなり大きい
- much
- 多い, 仰山, たくさん, ぎょうさん, 沢山, 大量
- (quantifier used with mass nouns) great in quantity or degree or extent; "not much rain"; "much affection"; "much grain is in storage"
- 量、程度、範囲が非常に大きい
- plentiful
- たくさん
- existing in great number or quantity; "rhinoceroses were once plentiful here"
- 多数または多量に存在する
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