英日字典: 不穏
9 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- unrest, tempestuousness, ferment, fermentation, agitation
- 戦き, 不穏, 動揺, 混乱, 不安, 激動, 不安心, 倉皇, 興奮, 亢奮, 心騒ぎ, 昂奮
- a state of agitation or turbulent change or development; "the political ferment produced new leadership"; "social unrest"
- 動揺、不穏な変化または開発の状態
- impropriety, familiarity, indecorum, liberty
- 不穏, 不適, 不道徳, 親しさ, 自由, 不義, 不体裁, 不穏当, 失当
- an act of undue intimacy
- 適切でない親しさの行為
- turbulence, sturm und drang, upheaval
- 不穏, 動乱
- a state of violent disturbance and disorder (as in politics or social conditions generally); "the industrial revolution was a period of great turbulence"
- 激しい騒乱や騒動の状態(政治的または社会的情勢などの場合が一般的)
- supercharged, charged
- 不穏
- fraught with great emotion; "an atmosphere charged with excitement"; "an emotionally charged speech"
- 胸が熱くなる思いで満ちた
- disquieting
- 不穏
- causing mental discomfort; "the disquieting sounds of nearby gunfire"
- 精神的な不快を引き起こす
- charged
- 不穏
- capable of producing violent emotion or arousing controversy; "the highly charged issue of abortion"
- 暴力的な情緒または論争を引き起こすことのできる
- baleful, minatory, menacing, sinister, minacious, ominous, threatening, forbidding
- 不穏, 忌わしい, 曲が曲がしい, 不祥, 忌まわしい, 曲々しい, 曲曲しい, 不吉, 禍々しい, 禍禍しい, 縁起の悪い
- threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments; "a baleful look"; "forbidding thunderclouds"; "his tone became menacing"; "ominous rumblings of discontent"; "sinister storm clouds"; "a sinister smile"; "his threatening behavior"; "ugly black clouds"; "the situation became ugly"
- 不吉なまたは悲劇的な展開の兆候を示す、あるいは、予示する
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