英日字典: 関係
17 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- relationship
- 掛りあい, 結びつき, コネクション, 繋り, 結び付き, 続合い, 関係, 係わりあい, 繋がり, 係り合い, 掛り合い, 連係, 関連, 係りあい, 続合, 掛かり合い, かかり合い, 関わり, かかわり合い, 掛かりあい, 係わり
- a state involving mutual dealings between people or parties or countries
- 人々、団体、または国家間で相互に関係を持つ状態
- relation
- 関係
- (usually plural) mutual dealings or connections among persons or groups; "international relations"
- 個人またはグループ間の相互の付き合いまたはつながり
- relation, telling, recounting
- 関係
- an act of narration; "he was the hero according to his own relation"; "his endless recounting of the incident eventually became unbearable"
- ナレーションの行為
- relation
- 結付き, 縁, 掛りあい, 係り, 引っ掛り, 結びつき, コネクション, 繋り, 結び付き, 結付, 引掛り, 関係, 係わりあい, 繋がり, むすび付き, 関連性, 係り合い, リレーション, 連関, 掛り合い, 関連, 係りあい, 引っかかり, 引掛, 掛かり合い, 引っ掛かり, 係わり合い, かかり合い, 所縁, 関わり, かかわり合い, 引掛かり, 間, 掛かりあい, 係わり, 縁故, 連絡, 因縁
- an abstraction belonging to or characteristic of two entities or parts together
- 2つの実体あるいは部分にともに属する、あるいは固有な抽象的実体
- relationship
- 掛りあい, 結びつき, 繋り, 食いあい, 関係, 繋がり, 食い合い, 掛り合い, 係りあい, 掛かり合い, かかり合い, かかわり合い, 掛かりあい
- a state of connectedness between people (especially an emotional connection); "he didn't want his wife to know of the relationship"
- 人と人がつながっている状態(とくに感情的なつながり)
- connexion, connection, joining
- 連鎖, 縁, 結びつき, コネクション, 結び付き, 関係, 繋がり, 係属, 連係, コネ, 結合, 接合, 続柄, 繋属, 関わり, 続き柄, 接続口, 係わり, 縁故, 接続, 因縁
- the act of bringing two things into contact (especially for communication); "the joining of hands around the table"; "there was a connection via the internet"
- 2つのものを接触させる行為(特にコミュニケーションのために)
- connexion, link, connection
- 連鎖, 結びつき, コネクション, 連結, 結び付き, 関係, 繋がり, 係属, 連係, コネ, 続柄, 繋属, 関わり, 併設, 続き柄, 接続口, 係わり, 縁故, 接続, 因縁
- a connecting shape
- 接続している形
- nexus, link
- 係り, 結びつき, 繋り, 連結, 関係, 係わりあい, 繋がり, 係り合い, 連係, 関連, 聯絡, 係りあい, 連接, 連繋, 係わり合い, 聯繋, かかわり合い, 連絡
- the means of connection between things linked in series
- 連続した物事同士の結びつき
- bearing
- 関係, 関連
- relevant relation or interconnection; "those issues have no bearing on our situation"
- 適切な関係または相互連結
- connexion, connectedness, connection
- 結付き, 掛りあい, 係り, 関係のあること, 結びつき, つながり, コネクション, 繋り, 結び付き, 結付, 関係, 係わりあい, 繋がり, むすび付き, 係り合い, 連関, 掛り合い, 連係, 関連, 聯絡, 係りあい, 連繋, 掛かり合い, 係わり合い, かかり合い, 関わり, かかわり合い, 縁由, 掛かりあい, 係わり, 連絡, たより, 因縁
- a relation between things or events (as in the case of one causing the other or sharing features with it); "there was a connection between eating that pickle and having that nightmare"
- 物事または出来事の関連(例えば1つがもう一方を引き起こす、あるいは1つがもう一方と共通点を持つ)
- link, connectedness, connection
- 結付き, 係り, 結びつき, コネクション, 繋り, 連結, 結び付き, 結付, 関係, 係わりあい, 繋がり, むすび付き, 係り合い, 連関, 係りあい, 係わり合い, かかり合い, 関わり, 関係があること, かかわり合い, 係わり
- the state of being connected; "the connection between church and state is inescapable"
- 関係があること
- carnal knowledge, coitus, relation, congress, sexual intercourse, sexual relation, sex act, intercourse, sexual congress, copulation, coition
- 性行為, 交接, 関係, 交り, 交合, セックス, 交わり, 交尾, 性交, 媾合, 情交
- the act of sexual procreation between a man and a woman; the man's penis is inserted into the woman's vagina and excited until orgasm and ejaculation occur
- 男性と女性の間の性的な出産の行為
- relationship, human relationship
- 間がら, 縁, 掛りあい, 係り, 結びつき, コネクション, 繋り, 結び付き, 続合い, 関係, 中らい, 係わりあい, 繋がり, 係り合い, 掛り合い, コネ, 係りあい, 間柄, 続合, 仲, 掛かり合い, 係わり合い, かかり合い, 関わり, 頼り, 続きあい, かかわり合い, 仲合, 続き合い, 間, 掛かりあい, 係わり, 人間関係, 縁故, 仲らい
- a relation between people; (`relationship' is often used where `relation' would serve, as in `the relationship between inflation and unemployment', but the preferred usage of `relationship' is for human relations or states of relatedness); "the relationship between mothers and their children"
- 人々の関係
- concern, touch on, pertain, touch, refer, come to, bear on, have-to doe with, relate
- 連なる, 関係, 関連, 懸る, 係る, 関する, 列なる, 係わる, 関わる, 懸かる
- be relevant to; "There were lots of questions referring to her talk"; "My remark pertained to your earlier comments"
- 関連している
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