英日字典: 引っ張る
9 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- draw
- 引っ張る, 引っぱる
- reduce the diameter of (a wire or metal rod) by pulling it through a die; "draw wire"
- 型打ち機を通すことにより、直径を減少させる(ワイヤーまたは金属ロッド)
- tug
- 引張る, 引っ張る, 引っぱる
- pull hard; "The prisoner tugged at the chains"; "This movie tugs at the heart strings"
- 強く引く
- pull
- 引っ張る
- steer into a certain direction; "pull one's horse to a stand"; "Pull the car over"
- ある方向へ操縦する
- drag
- 引く, 引摺る, 引張る, 牽引, 引っ張る, 引っぱる, 曳く, 牽く, 引こずる, けん引, 引きずる
- pull, as against a resistance; "He dragged the big suitcase behind him"; "These worries were dragging at him"
- 引く、抵抗に対して
- protract, draw out, extend, prolong
- 延ばす, 引張る, 延べる, 引き延す, 延長, 引っ張る, 引き伸ばす, 引伸ばす, 引延ばす, 引き延ばす, ひきのばす, 引き伸す
- lengthen in time; cause to be or last longer; "We prolonged our stay"; "She extended her visit by another day"; "The meeting was drawn out until midnight"
- 時間を長くする
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