英日字典: 強奪
9 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- pillage, plundering, pillaging
- 劫略, 略奪, 強奪, 掠奪, 劫掠
- the act of stealing valuable things from a place; "the plundering of the Parthenon"; "his plundering of the great authors"
- ある場所から価値のある物を盗む行為
- capture, seizure, gaining control
- だ捕, 没収, 分捕, 乗っ取り, 差し押さえ, 占拠, 鹵獲, 奪取, 押収, 分捕り, 強奪, 拿捕, 拏捕, 差し押え, 占領
- the act of forcibly dispossessing an owner of property
- 財産の所有者から強制的に財産を取り上げる行為
- extortion
- 強奪
- unjust exaction (as by the misuse of authority); "the extortion by dishonest officials of fees for performing their sworn duty"
- 不当な強要(権威の誤用など)
- extortion
- 強請, 強奪, 無理強い
- the felonious act of extorting money (as by threats of violence)
- (暴力で脅かすなどして)金をゆすり取るような重罪行為
- robbery
- ぶったくり, 打ったくり, 押込み強盗, 打っ手操り, 強盗, 略奪, 強奪, 打手操り, 掠奪, 押込強盗, 打手操, 押し込み強盗
- larceny by threat of violence
- 暴力の脅威による窃盗罪
- rifle, plunder, ransack, loot, pillage, despoil, foray, strip, reave
- 分捕る, 奪い取る, 掠め奪う, 押取る, 略取, 押し取る, 寇掠, 略す, 掠める, 収奪, 略する, 劫略, 奪掠, 剥ぐ, 略奪, 強奪, 濫妨, 分どる, 奪う, 掠奪, 劫掠, 荒す, 乱妨, 奪略, 荒らす, 寇略
- steal goods; take as spoils; "During the earthquake people looted the stores that were deserted by their owners"
- 物品を盗む
- seize
- 取抑える, 取り押さえる, 捕まえる, 取っ捕まえる, 取り押える, 捕獲, 捕縛, 取っ掴まえる, とっ捕まえる, 引っ捕える, 強奪, 拿捕, 取押さえる, 執り押さえる, 引っ捕らえる, 捕らえる, 取り抑える, ぶったくる, 取押える, ふんだくる
- take or capture by force; "The terrorists seized the politicians"; "The rebels threaten to seize civilian hostages"
- 力ずくで取る、または捕らえる
- usurp, arrogate, seize, take over, assume
- 分捕る, 奪取, 収奪, さん奪, 強奪, 簒奪, 分どる, 奪う, ぶったくる, ふんだくる
- seize and take control without authority and possibly with force; take as one's right or possession; "He assumed to himself the right to fill all positions in the town"; "he usurped my rights"; "She seized control of the throne after her husband died"
- 権限や場合によっては権力なしで、取得するまたは支配する
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