英日字典: 守る
10 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- guard
- 看守, 警守, 警衛, ガード, 警備, 見る, 警戒, 守る, 警護, 見張る, 監視, 見守る, 警固
- to keep watch over; "there would be men guarding the horses"
- を見張る
- protect
- 防護, プロテクト, 護る, 保護, 守る
- shield from danger, injury, destruction, or damage; "Weatherbeater protects your roof from the rain"
- 危険、けが、破壊または損害からの防御
- observe, keep, maintain
- 続ける, キープ, 保持, 持続, 持する, 保つ, 存続, 守りつづける, 維持, 守る, 継続
- stick to correctly or closely; "The pianist kept time with the metronome"; "keep count"; "I cannot keep track of all my employees"
- 正しく、またはきっちりと貼りつく
- hold, defend, guard
- 防ぐ, 庇立て, 防衛, 防護, 守護, 庇保, ガード, 護る, 庇い立て, 防守, 防御, 庇う, 守る, かばい立て
- protect against a challenge or attack; "Hold that position behind the trees!"; "Hold the bridge against the enemy's attacks"
- 挑戦または攻撃から保護する
- keep
- 管理, 守る, 世話をする
- look after; be the keeper of; have charge of; "He keeps the shop when I am gone"
- 世話をする
- observe, keep
- 従う, 遵守, 励行, 順奉, 順守, 守る, 循守, 遵奉
- conform one's action or practice to; "keep appointments"; "she never keeps her promises"; "We kept to the original conditions of the contract"
- 行動または習慣を従わせる
- ward, guard
- 看守, 後見, 防衛, 護衛, 警守, 防護, 守護, 心くばり, 視る, 警衛, ガード, 守備, 護る, 警備, 見る, 差し固める, 心配り, 警戒, 守る, 警護, 防備, 見張る, 監視, 用心, 見守る, 警固
- watch over or shield from danger or harm; protect; "guard my possessions while I'm away"
- 危険または危害を見張るか、保護する
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