英日字典: 期待
9 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- promise, hope
- 期待, 希望, 望み, 見込, 脈, 冀望, 見こみ, 望, 光明, 見込み, 当て
- grounds for feeling hopeful about the future; "there is little or no promise that he will recover"
- 未来に希望を感じる土壌
- expectancy, anticipation
- 期待, 予想, 見込, 見こみ, 予期, 見込み, 予測, 所期
- something expected (as on the basis of a norm); "each of them had their own anticipations"; "an indicator of expectancy in development"
- (ある基準に基づいて)期待されること
- expectation, anticipation
- 期待, 予想, 見込, 思惑, 目算, 見こみ, 予期, 見込み, 心積もり, 見越し, 当て, 当, 予測, 想い, 思い, 思わく
- anticipating with confidence of fulfillment
- 遂行することに自信を持って期待する
- hope
- 期待, 希望, 望み, ホウプ, 冀望, ホープ
- the general feeling that some desire will be fulfilled; "in spite of his troubles he never gave up hope"
- ある欲望が貫徹する一般的感情
- desire, trust, hope
- 期待, 希望, 願望, 欲する, 志願, 渇求, 希求, 冀望, 冀求, 欲求, 願う, 念願, 志望, 望む, 念じる, 所望
- expect and wish; "I trust you will behave better from now on"; "I hope she understands that she cannot expect a raise"
- 予期し期待する
- anticipate, look to, look for
- 待ちのぞむ, 待ちもうける, 待ち受ける, 期待, 待望む, 待設ける, 見込む, 待ち設ける, 当てこむ, 待ちかねる, 見こむ, 翹首, 仰望, 待ち望む, 所期, 待望, 待ち焦がれる, 望む, 翹望, 想望
- be excited or anxious about
- 興奮しているか、または心配する
- expect, ask, require
- 期待, 要求, 註文, 要望, 期する, 頼む, 期す, 乞う, 注文, 求める, 請う, 願う, 所期, 望む
- consider obligatory; request and expect; "We require our secretary to be on time"; "Aren't we asking too much of these children?"; "I expect my students to arrive in time for their lessons"
- 義務的であると考える
- hope
- 期待, 希望, 庶幾, 祷る, 祈る, 嘱する, 思う, 冀望, 願う, 念願, 見こむ, 想う, 請い願う, 望む, 念じる
- be optimistic; be full of hope; have hopes; "I am still hoping that all will turn out well"
- 楽観的である
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