英日字典: 手堅い
7 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- sound
- 手がたい, 堅実, 堅調, 健全, 手堅い
- financially secure and safe; "sound investments"; "a sound economy"
- 金融的に堅実で安全な
- secure
- セキュア, 安全, 堅い, 安泰, 大丈夫, 安心, 固い, 手堅い, 確か
- free from danger or risk; "secure from harm"; "his fortune was secure"; "made a secure place for himself in his field"
- 危機または危険からかけ離れた
- reliable, dependable, true, honest
- 律儀, 真正直, 真面目, 真成, 廉直, 良心的, 慥か, 篤実, 堅い, 実法, 謹直, まじめ, 真直ぐ, 潔癖, 真率, 堅気, 真っ直, 真すぐ, 堅実, 忠直, 実体, 着実, もの堅い, 真っ直ぐ, 正直, 頼もしい, 実らしい, 清潔, 貞実, 直, 手丈夫, 真っすぐ, 廉潔, 律義, 物堅い, 実直, 誠実, 真誠, 固い, 清廉, 正しい, 手堅い, 確か
- worthy of being depended on; "a dependable worker"; "an honest working stiff"; "a reliable sourcSFLe of information"; "he was true to his word"; "I would be true for there are those who trust me"
- 依存の価値がある
- steady
- 規則的, 弛み無い, 実着, 手がたい, 定常, 堅実, 堅調, 着実, 弛無い, 揺るぎ無い, 揺るぎない, 弛みない, 安定した, 手堅い
- not subject to change or variation especially in behavior; "a steady beat"; "a steady job"; "a steady breeze"; "a steady increase"; "a good steady ballplayer"
- 特にふるまいにおける変更または変化への対象ではない
- sure, certain
- 定か, 慥か, 危なげない, 確実, 明確, 手堅い, 確か
- reliable in operation or effect; "a quick and certain remedy"; "a sure way to distinguish the two"; "wood dust is a sure sign of termites"
- 作動または影響が信頼できる
- secure, good, dependable, safe
- セキュア, 慥か, 安全, 堅い, 堅実, 固い, 手堅い, 確か
- financially sound; "a good investment"; "a secure investment"
- 財政上健全な
- firm
- 確乎たる, 慥か, 手がたい, 堅い, 牢固たる, 聢り, 確り, 揺るぎ無い, 揺るぎない, 手強い, 牢乎たる, 確固たる, 固い, 手堅い, 確か
- not subject to revision or change; "a firm contract"; "a firm offer"
- 改訂や変化に従わない
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