英日字典: 批判
7 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- animadversion, censure
- 酷評, 糺弾, 譏り, 批難, 攻撃, 誹議, 非議, 難詰, 謗り, そしり, 非難, 問責, 論難, 批判, 弁難, 咎め, 誹り, 間然
- harsh criticism or disapproval
- 厳しい批判または不承認
- criticism, unfavorable judgment
- 誹議, 非議, 批判, 否定的な判断
- disapproval expressed by pointing out faults or shortcomings; "the senator received severe criticism from his opponent"
- 欠点または不足を指摘することによって表現される不承認
- perspicacity, judgment, sound judgment, sound judgement, judgement
- 裁き, 審判, 判断力, 分別, 鑑識, 判断, 捌き, 裁決, ジャッジメント, 裁判, 刑罰, 審査, 判定, 判決, 批判, 物心
- the capacity to assess situations or circumstances shrewdly and to draw sound conclusions
- 状況や事情を如才なく評価し、論理的に正しい結論を引き出す能力
- criticism, critique
- レビュー, クリティシズム, レヴュー, 品評, 評, 品定, 品定め, 講評, 論評, 批判, 評論, 品題, 選評, 批評
- a serious examination and judgment of something; "constructive criticism is always appreciated"
- 何かについての真剣な調査と判断
- sagaciousness, sagacity, judgment, judgement, discernment
- 聰明, 裁き, 審判, 判断力, 分別, 鑑識, 判断, 捌き, 明敏, 裁決, 智恵, ジャッジメント, 洞察力, 裁判, 刑罰, 審査, 判定, 判決, 批判, 聡明, 智慧, 知恵, 物心
- the mental ability to understand and discriminate between relations
- 関係を理解して区別する知能
- knock, criticize, criticise, pick apart
- 扱き下ろす, 批難, 咎立, 咎める, 誹る, 扱下す, 咎立て, 咎め立て, 論難, 批判, 扱きおろす, 扱下ろす, 批評, 扱き下す
- find fault with; express criticism of; point out real or perceived flaws; "The paper criticized the new movie"; "Don't knock the food--it's free"
- 非難する
- criticize, criticise
- 批判
- act as a critic; "Those who criticize others often are not perfect, either"
- 批評家として行動する
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