英日字典: 非難
14 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- reproach
- 批難, 非難, 叱責, 咎め, 譴責
- a mild rebuke or criticism; "words of reproach"
- 穏やかな叱責または批判
- animadversion, censure
- 酷評, 糺弾, 譏り, 批難, 攻撃, 誹議, 非議, 難詰, 謗り, そしり, 非難, 問責, 論難, 批判, 弁難, 咎め, 誹り, 間然
- harsh criticism or disapproval
- 厳しい批判または不承認
- attack
- 批難, 攻撃, 難論, 難じる, そしる, 論詰, 指弾, 非難, 論難, 弁難, 糾弾
- strong criticism; "he published an unexpected attack on my work"
- 激しい批判
- blame, rap
- 批難, 誹議, 非議, 難詰, 指弾, 責め, そしり, 非難, 問責, 咎め, 糾弾
- a reproach for some lapse or misdeed; "he took the blame for it"; "it was a bum rap"
- ある過失または悪行に対する叱責
- fire, blast, attack, flack, flak
- 攻撃, 非難
- intense adverse criticism; "Clinton directed his fire at the Republican Party"; "the government has come under attack"; "don't give me any flak"
- 激しい敵対的な批判
- disapproval
- 不賛成, 異存, 不満, 不同意, 不許可, 不承, 不承知, 非難, 不承認, 不服, 難色
- a feeling of disliking something or what someone is doing
- 他人の行いまたは物事を嫌うこと
- round, snipe, assail, assault, attack, lash out
- 批難, 指弾, 駁撃, たたく, 難ずる, 非難, 駁する, 叩く
- attack in speech or writing; "The editors of the left-leaning paper attacked the new House Speaker"
- 言葉または文書の攻撃
- condemn
- 非難
- appropriate (property) for public use; "the county condemned the land to build a highway"
- 公共の使用に適切な(資産)
- blame, find fault, pick
- 批難, 誹議, 咎める, 非議, 穿り出す, 難詰, 指弾, 責める, 詰る, 非難, 問責, 兎や角言う, とやかく言う, 弾劾, 糾弾
- harass with constant criticism; "Don't always pick on your little brother"
- 恒常的な批判で脅す
- reprobate
- 非難, 拒否
- reject (documents) as invalid
- (ドキュメントを)無効であるとして拒絶する
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