英日字典: 持つ
18 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- bear
- 有する, 備える, 持つ, 帯びる, 具える
- have; "bear a resemblance"; "bear a signature"
- 特徴として持つ
- hold
- 続ける, 長持ち, 保持, 持する, 続く, 持つ, 保つ, 長持, 支える, 維持, 長もち
- remain in a certain state, position, or condition; "The weather held"; "They held on the road and kept marching"
- ある状態、位置あるいは条件を保つ
- bear
- 携える, 持つ, 運ぶ, 搬送, 載積, 携行
- move while holding up or supporting; "Bear gifts"; "bear a heavy load"; "bear news"; "bearing orders"
- 持ち上げているまたは支えている間に動く
- carry
- 携える, 持つ, 帯びる, 搬送, 佩びる, 携行
- sing or play against other voices or parts; "He cannot carry a tune"
- 歌うか、他の声またはパートに対して演奏する
- possess
- 有する, 備える, 持つ, 享有, 有す, 具える
- have as an attribute, knowledge, or skill; "he possesses great knowledge about the Middle East"
- 特質、知識または技術として有する
- own, have, possess
- 有する, 備わる, 備える, 所持, 所蔵, 領有, 保有, 具わる, 蔵する, 持つ, 家蔵, 所有, 占める, 有す, 占有, 擁する, 具す, 領する, 持っている, 具える, 具する
- have ownership or possession of; "He owns three houses in Florida"; "How many cars does she have?"
- 所有権または、の所持
- hold, take hold
- 持つ, 掴む, 抱える, 抱く
- have or hold in one's hands or grip; "Hold this bowl for a moment, please"; "A crazy idea took hold of him"
- その人の手または掴むことで持つ、あるいは固定する
- stay fresh, keep
- 持つ, 保つ
- fail to spoil or rot; "These potatoes keep for a long time"
- 損なわせない、または腐らせない
- hold, have got, have
- 有する, 持つ, 有す, 持っている
- have or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense; "She has $1,000 in the bank"; "He has got two beautiful daughters"; "She holds a Master's degree from Harvard"
- 具体的または抽象的な感覚のどちらかを持つあるいは保有する
- harbor, entertain, hold, nurse, harbour
- 懐く, 持つ, 懐抱, 抱く, 宿す, 抱懐
- maintain (a theory, thoughts, or feelings); "bear a grudge"; "entertain interesting notions"; "harbor a resentment"
- (理論、考え、あるいは感情を)維持する
- have
- 有する, 得る, 持つ, 抱える, 有す, 擁する
- have a personal or business relationship with someone; "have a postdoc"; "have an assistant"; "have a lover"
- ある人と個人的関係、または取引関係を持つ
- go, survive, endure, last, hold out, hold up, live on, live
- 乗越える, 生抜く, 耐忍ぶ, 残存, 生きぬく, 生きのびる, 堪忍ぶ, 持つ, 持ちこたえる, 持堪える, 乗切る, 持ち堪える, 我慢, 生きのこる, 堪える, 生存, 耐え忍ぶ, 永らえる, 耐える, 生き長らえる, 生きる, 乗り切る, 堪る, 堪忍, 乗りきる, 乗り越える, 頑張る, 生き残る, 堪え忍ぶ, 生き抜く, 生残る, 生き延びる
- continue to live through hardship or adversity; "We went without water and food for 3 days"; "These superstitions survive in the backwaters of America"; "The race car driver lived through several very serious accidents"; "how long can a person last without food and water?"
- 苦難または逆境を通して生き続ける
- hold, carry
- 兼ねる, 持つ, 催す, 長持, 把持
- drink alcohol without showing ill effects; "He can hold his liquor"; "he had drunk more than he could carry"
- 悪影響を示すことなくアルコールを飲む
- possess
- 有する, 備える, 所持, 具わる, 持つ, 乗り移る, 具える, 憑く
- enter into and control, as of emotions or ideas; "What possessed you to buy this house?"; "A terrible rage possessed her"
- 情緒や考えなどを、制御するようになる
- bear, hold
- 有する, 保持, 所持, 保有, 持つ
- have rightfully; of rights, titles, and offices; "She bears the title of Duchess"; "He held the governorship for almost a decade"
- 正当に持つ
- hold
- 含有, 保有, 含む, 蔵する, 持つ
- have as a major characteristic; "The novel holds many surprises"; "The book holds in store much valuable advise"
- 主要な特徴として持つ
- bear, wear
- 有する, 持つ
- have on one's person; "He wore a red ribbon"; "bear a scar"
- を身につける
- carry, pack, take
- 帯する, 携帯, 所持, 佩帯, 携える, 帯く, 佩用, 持つ, 帯びる, 佩く, 佩びる, 携持, 携行
- have with oneself; have on one's person; "She always takes an umbrella"; "I always carry money"; "She packs a gun when she goes into the mountains"
- 自らを有する
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