英日字典: 見る
19 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- see
- ご覧になる, 見取る, 拝観, ご覧なさる, 観る, 拝覧, 見て取る, 視る, みる, 見る, 観覧, 拝見
- perceive by sight or have the power to perceive by sight; "You have to be a good observer to see all the details"; "Can you see the bird in that tree?"; "He is blind--he cannot see"
- 目で認識する、または目で認識する力を持つ
- presume, take for granted, assume
- 見なす, 決込む, 考える, 思為す, 推測, 見做す, 決め込む, 推し測る, 推し量る, 看做す, 測り知る, 視る, 仮定, 思做す, 存じ上げる, 仮想, 睨む, 思う, 思い為す, 思いなす, 見る, 決めこむ, 推定, 推算, 推す, 推しはかる, 推する, 極め込む, 想定, 推量る, 計る, 極込む, 思い做す, 仮設, 測りしる, 推測る, 極めこむ
- take to be the case or to be true; accept without verification or proof; "I assume his train was late"
- 真実であるあるいは事実であると取る
- guard
- 看守, 警守, 警衛, ガード, 警備, 見る, 警戒, 守る, 警護, 見張る, 監視, 見守る, 警固
- to keep watch over; "there would be men guarding the horses"
- を見張る
- watch
- 見る
- observe or determine by looking; "Watch how the dog chases the cats away"
- 見ることにより観察するまたは測定する
- find, see, witness
- お目にかかる, 御目に掛かる, お目に掛かる, 目撃, 見かける, 見受ける, 御目にかかる, 見る, 目睹
- perceive or be contemporaneous with; "We found Republicans winning the offices"; "You'll see a lot of cheating in this school"; "The 1960's saw the rebellion of the younger generation against established traditions"; "I want to see results"
- 気付く、または同時である
- try, try on
- 見る, 試す, 試みる, 為る
- put on a garment in order to see whether it fits and looks nice; "Try on this sweater to see how it looks"
- サイズが合ってよく見えるかどうか衣類を着てみる
- view, take in, see, catch, watch
- 観る, みる, 見る, 観覧
- see or watch; "view a show on television"; "This program will be seen all over the world"; "view an exhibition"; "Catch a show on Broadway"; "see a movie"
- 見るか、じっと見る
- check
- 検閲, 照らし合わせる, 見比べる, 比較, チェック, 照査, 問合わせる, 読み合す, 下しらべ, 見る, 点検, 問い合せる, 見定める, 照らしあわせる, 閲する, 引照, 検見, 下調, 調べる, 試算, 診断, 読み合わせる
- verify by consulting a source or authority; "check the spelling of this word"; "check your facts"
- 情報源、権限に照らし合わせることによって、確かめる
- see, ascertain, find out, check, watch, determine, learn
- 確める, みる, 見極める, 見る, 見定める, 見さだめる, 見とどける, 確かめる, 確認
- find out, learn, or determine with certainty, usually by making an inquiry or other effort; "I want to see whether she speaks French"; "See whether it works"; "find out if he speaks Russian"; "Check whether the train leaves on time"
- 通常調査したりその他の試みによって、解明したり、分かったり、あるいは確信を持って決定したりする
- look
- ご覧になる, 目する, ご覧なさる, 視る, 眺める, 御覧なさる, 見る, 御覧になる, 見つめる, 拝見
- perceive with attention; direct one's gaze towards; "She looked over the expanse of land"; "Look at your child!"; "Look--a deer in the backyard!"
- 注意して知覚する
- look, search
- 詮索, 探検, 捜す, 視る, 捜査, 見る, サーチ, 探究, 探索, 探し回る, 調べる, 捜索, 探る, 検索, 探す
- search or seek; "We looked all day and finally found the child in the forest"; "Look elsewhere for the perfect gift!"
- 捜すか、捜索する
- look on, watch
- 眺入る, ご覧なさる, 嘱目, 観る, 照覧, 視る, 打守る, 御覧なさる, 打ち守る, みる, 見入る, 見る, 御覧になる, 見つめる, 眺めいる, 見いる, 属目, 見まもる, 拝見, 見守る
- observe with attention; "They watched as the murderer was executed"
- 注意して観察する
- rate, value
- 価値付ける, 評する, 評価, 見る, 評定, 価値づける
- estimate the value of; "How would you rate his chances to become President?"; "Gold was rated highly among the Romans"
- 価値を見積もる
- attend, take care, see, look
- 世話, 取り計らう, 見る, 看る, 心配り, あたる
- take charge of or deal with; "Could you see about lunch?"; "I must attend to this matter"; "She took care of this business"
- 取り仕切る、あるいは扱う
- watch
- 凝望, 看守, 目する, ご覧なさる, 嘱目, 観る, 照覧, 視る, 打守る, ウォッチ, 御覧なさる, 打ち守る, みる, 見入る, 見る, 看る, 御覧になる, 観戦, 看視, 見つめる, 見いる, 属目, 見張る, 見まもる, 見守る, 見詰める
- look attentively; "watch a basketball game"
- 注意を払って見る
- seek, attempt, try, essay, assay
- トライ, 企てる, 勉める, 努める, 図る, 見る, 試す, 試みる, 試行, 挑む, 努力, 験す, 験する
- make an effort or attempt; "He tried to shake off his fears"; "The infant had essayed a few wobbly steps"; "The police attempted to stop the thief"; "He sought to improve himself"; "She always seeks to do good in the world"
- 努力する、または試みる
- ward, guard
- 看守, 後見, 防衛, 護衛, 警守, 防護, 守護, 心くばり, 視る, 警衛, ガード, 守備, 護る, 警備, 見る, 差し固める, 心配り, 警戒, 守る, 警護, 防備, 見張る, 監視, 用心, 見守る, 警固
- watch over or shield from danger or harm; protect; "guard my possessions while I'm away"
- 危険または危害を見張るか、保護する
- follow, observe, keep an eye on, watch over, watch
- 注視, 見る, 追う, 看視, 見張る, 監視, 見まもる, 見守る
- follow with the eyes or the mind; "Keep an eye on the baby, please!"; "The world is watching Sarajevo"; "She followed the men with the binoculars"
- 目または心で追う
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