英日字典: 狼狽
8 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- tizzy, flap, dither, pother, fuss
- 狼狽, 動乱, 周章
- an excited state of agitation; "he was in a dither"; "there was a terrible flap about the theft"
- 動揺して興奮している状態
- confusedness, confusion, disarray, mental confusion, muddiness
- 混乱, 狼狽, 精神錯乱, 惑乱, 混濁, 錯乱, 精神的混乱
- a mental state characterized by a lack of clear and orderly thought and behavior; "a confusion of impressions"
- 明確で秩序立った思考と行動がない精神状態
- perturbation, disturbance, upset
- 動揺, 狼狽, 不安
- an unhappy and worried mental state; "there was too much anger and disturbance"; "she didn't realize the upset she caused me"
- 不幸せで心配な精神状態
- discomposure
- 心ときめき, 狼狽
- a temperament that is perturbed and lacking in composure
- うろたえて落ち着かない気質
- confusion, discombobulation
- 狼藉, 混迷, 乱脈, 動, 混乱, 乱雑, 無秩序, 狼狽, 取込み, 狂い, 困惑, 取り込み, 紛糾, 渾沌, 当惑, 混同, 猥雑, 雑駁, ごたごた, 混沌, めちゃ
- a feeling of embarrassment that leaves you confused
- 混乱をまねく当惑の気持ち
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