英日字典: 警戒
12 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- alertness, watchfulness, vigilance, wakefulness
- 警戒
- the process of paying close and continuous attention; "wakefulness, watchfulness, and bellicosity make a good hunter"; "vigilance is especially susceptible to fatigue"
- 連続的に細かい注意を払うこと
- caution, caveat
- 忠告, 警め, 戒告, 誡告, 戒め, 切諌, 警戒, 警告, 諌め, 注意
- a warning against certain acts; "a caveat against unfair practices"
- ある行為に対しての警戒
- precaution
- 戒心, 警戒, 用心
- the trait of practicing caution in advance
- 前もって用心する特性
- alert, qui vive
- 警戒
- condition of heightened watchfulness or preparation for action; "bombers were put on alert during the crisis"
- 高められた用心深さである状態または行動に対する準備
- guard
- 警戒
- take precautions in order to avoid some unwanted consequence; "guard against becoming too friendly with the staff"; "guard against infection"
- 望ましくない結果を避けために、予防策を講じる
- guard
- 看守, 警守, 警衛, ガード, 警備, 見る, 警戒, 守る, 警護, 見張る, 監視, 見守る, 警固
- to keep watch over; "there would be men guarding the horses"
- を見張る
- ward, guard
- 看守, 後見, 防衛, 護衛, 警守, 防護, 守護, 心くばり, 視る, 警衛, ガード, 守備, 護る, 警備, 見る, 差し固める, 心配り, 警戒, 守る, 警護, 防備, 見張る, 監視, 用心, 見守る, 警固
- watch over or shield from danger or harm; protect; "guard my possessions while I'm away"
- 危険または危害を見張るか、保護する
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