英日字典: 配慮
6 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- care, attention, tending, aid
- 配慮, 世話, 厄介, お守り, ご念, めんどう, ケアー, 面倒, 面倒を見ること, 手当て, 援助, ケア, 手当
- the work of providing treatment for or attending to someone or something; "no medical care was required"; "the old car needs constant attention"
- 誰かまたは何かに処遇を施したり、または注意を払うこと
- regard, heed, attentiveness, paying attention
- 配慮, 気配り, 考慮, 配意, 顧慮, 心遣い, 関心, 留意
- paying particular notice (as to children or helpless people); "his attentiveness to her wishes"; "he spends without heed to the consequences"
- (子供や無力な人々に対して)特に注意を払うこと
- thoughtfulness, consideration, considerateness
- 配慮, 気づかい, 恩情, 気配り, 思遣り, 深切, 厚意, 思ん量り, 親切, 気遣い, 気遣, 労り, 心馳せ, 思い遣, 配意, 厚情, 温情, 雅量, 思い遣り, 思遣, 心馳, 心配り, 新切, 他愛, 懇切さ, 慮り, 思いやり, 考察, 懇切
- kind and considerate regard for others; "he showed no consideration for her feelings"
- 他の人に対する優しく思いやりのある配慮
- care
- 配慮, 懸念, 心配, 気遣い, 厄介, 気がかり
- a cause for feeling concern; "his major care was the illness of his wife"
- 心配する根拠
- take care
- 配慮, 心する, 要慎, 要心, 用心, 注意
- be careful, prudent, or watchful; "Take care when you cross the street!"
- 慎重、用心深い、注意深い
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