英日字典: 下劣
10 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- slimy, worthless, vile, unworthy, wretched, ugly, despicable
- 汚らわしい, 低劣, 見下げ果てた, 浅ましげ, 見ぐるしい, あさましい, 下劣, 賤しい, 浅ましい, 卑しい, 見苦しい
- morally reprehensible; "would do something as despicable as murder"; "ugly crimes"; "the vile development of slavery appalled them"; "a slimy little liar"
- 道徳的に非難されるべき
- humble, low, modest, small, lowly
- 質素, しがない, 薄い, 下賎, 賎陋, ちんけ, 下等, 粗陋, 低い, 粗末, 小さい, 鄙劣, 取るに足りない, 貧寒, 穢い, 些細, 貧賎, 賎しい, 下劣, はしたない, 穢ない, 微々たる, ちっちゃい, 賤しい, 卑俗, 麁陋, けちくさい, ささやか, 陋劣, 卑しい, 賎劣, 卑劣, 卑賎
- low or inferior in station or quality; "a humble cottage"; "a lowly parish priest"; "a modest man of the people"; "small beginnings"
- 社会的地位または質において低いまたは劣る
- base, meanspirited, mean
- 下司, 賎陋, 低劣, みにくい, 汚い, 鄙劣, 下種, さもしい, 醜い, 下衆, 穢い, 醜悪, 賎しい, あさましい, 下劣, 穢ない, せこい, 汚ない, 賤しい, 端ない, 陋劣, 浅ましい, 俗, 卑しい, 賎劣, 卑劣
- having or showing an ignoble lack of honor or morality; "that liberal obedience without which your army would be a base rabble"- Edmund Burke; "taking a mean advantage"; "chok'd with ambition of the meaner sort"- Shakespeare; "something essentially vulgar and meanspirited in politics"
- 下品な敬意、あるいは道徳の欠落があること、あるいは示すさま
- base, immoral
- アンモラル, 不道徳, 非道, 如何わしい, インモラル, 下劣, 不徳義, 不倫, いかがわしい
- not adhering to ethical or moral principles; "base and unpatriotic motives"; "a base, degrading way of life"; "cheating is dishonorable"; "they considered colonialism immoral"; "unethical practices in handling public funds"
- 倫理であるか道徳的な原則を厳守しないさま
- sordid, sleazy, squalid, seedy, seamy
- 賎しい, 下劣, 卑しい
- morally degraded; "a seedy district"; "the seamy side of life"; "sleazy characters hanging around casinos"; "sleazy storefronts with...dirt on the walls"- Seattle Weekly; "the sordid details of his orgies stank under his very nostrils"- James Joyce; "the squalid atmosphere of intrigue and betrayal"
- 道徳的に堕落した
- dirty, lousy, filthy
- 汚らわしい, むさい, 嫌らしい, 醜穢, 汚い, 薄汚ない, 穢らわしい, 穢い, 不潔, ダーティ, 薄ぎたない, 薄っ汚い, 穢わしい, 厭やらしい, 汚わしい, いぶせい, 下劣, 穢ない, ダーティー, 汚ない, うす汚い, えげつない, 薄汚い
- vile; despicable; "a dirty (or lousy) trick"; "a filthy traitor"
- 不潔な
- low
- 下賎, 賎陋, 下等, 低劣, 粗陋, 鄙劣, ぼうぞく, 賎しい, 下劣, はしたない, 卑俗, 麁陋, 陋劣, 卑しい, 賎劣, 卑劣, 俗悪
- unrefined in character; "low comedy"
- 性質が洗練されてない
- miserable, low, scurvy, scummy, low-down, abject
- 賎陋, 下等, 鄙劣, 賎しい, 下劣, 卑俗, 麁陋, 陋劣, 卑しい, 賎劣, 卑劣
- of the most contemptible kind; "abject cowardice"; "a low stunt to pull"; "a low-down sneak"; "his miserable treatment of his family"; "You miserable skunk!"; "a scummy rabble"; "a scurvy trick"
- 最も卑しい種類の
- despicably
- 下劣
- in a despicable manner; "he acted despicably"
- 侮蔑する態度で
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