英日字典: 解釈
9 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- commentary, comment
- 解釈, レビュー, 註記, コメント, レヴュー, 評註, 評注, 評, 解説, 箋注, 註解, 概評, 評説, 註, 注解, 注釈, 講評, 註疏, 論評, 評論, 註釈, 付注, 注疏, 批評, 附註, 注記, 箋註, 評釈, 義解
- a written explanation or criticism or illustration that is added to a book or other textual material; "he wrote an extended comment on the proposal"
- 本または他のテキストに加えられた書かれた説明、批評、例証
- rendition, rendering, interpretation
- 解釈
- the act of interpreting something as expressed in an artistic performance; "her rendition of Milton's verse was extraordinarily moving"
- 芸術行為によって表現された、何かを解釈する行為
- rendition, rendering, interpretation, interpreting
- 解釈, 叙説, 判読, 通訳
- an explanation of something that is not immediately obvious; "the edict was subject to many interpretations"; "he annoyed us with his interpreting of parables"; "often imitations are extended to provide a more accurate rendition of the child's intended meaning"
- すぐには分かりにくいことの説明
- explanation
- 解釈, 辯解, 弁解, 釈明, 申し訳, 言開き, 説示, 言い分け, 言いわけ, 釈義, 申し開き, 衍義, 通解, 解説, 繋辞, 説明, 弁明, 陳弁, 注釈, 疏明, 言まえ, 言分け, 言い訳, 言い前, 能書, 講説, 通釈, 申しひらき, 言前, 論説, 言訳, 言い開き, 叙説, 疎明, 申開き, 言いまえ, 講義
- the act of explaining; making something plain or intelligible; "I heard his explanation of the accident"
- 解説すること
- interpretation
- 解釈, 釈義, 通解, 訓詁, 通釈
- an explanation that results from interpreting something; "the report included his interpretation of the forensic evidence"
- 何かを解釈することで導かれた結論
- take, read
- 解釈, 読む, 読み取る, 受取る, 取る, 読取る, 受けとる, 受け取る, 読みとる
- interpret something in a certain way; convey a particular meaning or impression; "I read this address as a satire"; "How should I take this message?"; "You can't take credit for this!"
- ある方法で何かを解釈する
- interpret, see, construe
- 解釈, 判断, 解する, 理解, 了得, 通釈, 受け取る, 釈する, 評釈, 了する
- make sense of; assign a meaning to; "What message do you see in this letter?"; "How do you interpret his behavior?"
- その意味を理解する
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