英日字典: 迷惑
4 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- inconvenience, incommodiousness
- 不都合, 差し合い, 非, 不自由さ, さし支え, 迷惑, さし合い, 差しあい, 差支え, 差支, 支障, 不自由, 障り, 差しさわり, 差合, 差し支え, 差合い, 不都合さ, 不便, 差しつかえ
- an inconvenient discomfort
- 不便で不快なこと
- inconvenience, worriment, troublesomeness
- 迷惑さ, しちめんどう臭さ, 七面倒臭さ, はた迷惑, 傍迷惑, 難儀さ, 迷惑, 煩わしさ, 厄介, 面倒臭さ, めんどう臭さ, しち面倒臭さ, めんど臭さ, 面倒くささ, 面倒さ
- a difficulty that causes anxiety
- 心配を引き起こす困難
- trouble, difficulty
- 手数, 困者, 紛争, 不都合, ご迷惑, ご面倒, 妨害, 禍, 煩雑, お手数, 波瀾, 迷惑, 風波, 厄介さ, 煩慮, 災害, もめ事, 揉事, ご苦労, 煩わしさ, 厄介, いざこざ, 御面倒, 障碍, ごたくさ, 困り者, 紛擾, 災, 御迷惑, 御苦労, 繁雑, 故障, めんどう, 災い, 障害, 困難, 悶着, 支障, ご造作, 煩しさ, 煩労, 煩い, 面倒, やっかい, 障碍物, 禍災, 揉め事, ご雑作, ごたごた, 波乱, もやくや, トラブル, いさくさ, 障礙, 厄介事
- an effort that is inconvenient; "I went to a lot of trouble"; "he won without any trouble"; "had difficulty walking"; "finished the test only with great difficulty"
- 面倒な努力
- vexing, teasing, galling, pestering, pestiferous, irritating, plaguy, plaguey, pesky, annoying, nettlesome, bothersome, vexatious
- 辛気, 苛立たしい, 煩わしい, じゃまっけ, いまいましい, うざったい, 五月蠅い, 迷惑, 苛苛しい, うざい, うるさい, 邪魔っ気, 煩い, 小にくらしい, 忌ま忌ましい, 五月蝿い, 焦れったい, 辛気臭い, 苛々しい, 心気臭い, 胸糞が悪い, 邪魔っけ
- causing irritation or annoyance; "tapping an annoying rhythm on his glass with his fork"; "aircraft noise is particularly bothersome near the airport"; "found it galling to have to ask permission"; "an irritating delay"; "nettlesome paperwork"; "a pesky mosquito"; "swarms of pestering gnats"; "a plaguey newfangled safety catch"; "a teasing and persistent thought annoyed him"; "a vexatious child"; "it is vexing to have to admit you are wrong"
- 苛立ち、または不快感を引き起こすさま
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