英日字典: 動揺
16 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- palpitation, quiver, shakiness, shaking, quivering, trembling, vibration
- 揺り, 振盪, 動揺, 震顫, 震, 顫動, 震撼, 揺れ, 揺るぎ, 震え, 震い, 震動, 揺動
- a shaky motion; "the shaking of his fingers as he lit his pipe"
- 不安定な動き
- perturbation, disturbance, upset
- 動揺, 狼狽, 不安
- an unhappy and worried mental state; "there was too much anger and disturbance"; "she didn't realize the upset she caused me"
- 不幸せで心配な精神状態
- hullabaloo, excitement, agitation, turmoil, upheaval
- 煽情, あじ, 動揺, 煽動, 大騒ぎ, アジテーション, 動乱, 興奮, 扇動, アジ, 煽り, 騒動, 扇情
- disturbance usually in protest
- 大抵は抗議での騒動
- unrest, tempestuousness, ferment, fermentation, agitation
- 戦き, 不穏, 動揺, 混乱, 不安, 激動, 不安心, 倉皇, 興奮, 亢奮, 心騒ぎ, 昂奮
- a state of agitation or turbulent change or development; "the political ferment produced new leadership"; "social unrest"
- 動揺、不穏な変化または開発の状態
- agitation
- 動揺, 顫動, 煽動, 撹拌, 攪拌, アジテーション, 動乱, 興奮, 扇動, 周章, 亢奮, 昂奮
- the feeling of being agitated; not calm
- 動揺する気持ち
- agitation
- 動揺, 顫動, 煽動, 撹拌, 攪拌, アジテーション, 動乱, 興奮, 扇動, 周章, 亢奮, 昂奮
- a mental state of extreme emotional disturbance
- 極度に感情が動揺している精神状態
- whirl, commotion
- 動揺
- confused movement; "he was caught up in a whirl of work"; "a commotion of people fought for the exits"
- 混乱した動き
- shake, didder
- びくびくする, ガタガタ, 揺らぐ, 動揺, 揺ぐ, ぶるぶるする, 震撼, 打震える, がくがく, 震える, 戦慄く, 打ち震える, がたがた, 震えあがる, ブルブルする
- move with or as if with a tremor; "his hands shook"
- 震動であるかのように動く
- sway, rock, shake
- 揺らぐ, 振盪, 揺蕩, 動揺, 揺ぐ, 揺すれる, 揺るぐ, ゆさゆさする, 震盪, 蕩揺, ゆらゆらする, 震動, 揺れる, 揺動, 揺る
- move back and forth or sideways; "the ship was rocking"; "the tall building swayed"; "She rocked back and forth on her feet"
- 前後または横に動く
- weave, waver
- ふらつく, ぐらつく, 揺めく, 揺さ振れる, ぐらぐらする, 揺らめく, ふらふらする, 揺蕩う, 動揺, 揺さぶれる, 揺ぐ, 揺ら揺ら, 揺るぐ, 蕩揺, たゆたう, 蹌踉めく, 揺振れる, ゆらゆらする, 揺れる, 揺る
- sway to and fro
- あちこちに揺れる
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