英日字典: 求める
14 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- pursue, quest for, quest after, go after
- 逐う, 追いかける, 求め行く, 逐求める, 追いもとめる, 追掛ける, 求める, 追う, 追駆, 追い掛ける, 追っ掛ける, 追い駆ける, 追求める, 追っかける, 追い求める, 逐い求める, 求行く, 追求
- go in search of or hunt for; "pursue a hobby"
- 探しに行く、または求める
- seek
- 捜す, 求め行く, 追究, 求める, 追う, 求む, 尋ねる, 探す, 求行く
- try to get or reach; "seek a position"; "seek an education"; "seek happiness"
- 得る、または達しようとする
- seek
- 求める
- go to or towards; "a liquid seeks its own level"
- それに、または、それに向かって行く
- feel like
- 欲しがる, 欲する, 求める, 願う, 望む
- have an inclination for something or some activity; "I feel like staying in bed all day"; "I feel like a cold beer now"
- 何か、またはいくらかの活動への意向を持つ
- involve, necessitate, call for, need, postulate, demand, ask, take, require
- 要求, 求める, 要する
- require as useful, just, or proper; "It takes nerve to do what she did"; "success usually requires hard work"; "This job asks a lot of patience and skill"; "This position demands a lot of personal sacrifice"; "This dinner calls for a spectacular dessert"; "This intervention does not postulate a patient's consent"
- 有用、正当、または適切であるため欠かせない
- wish
- 希望, 願望, 欲する, 要望, 念ずる, 祈る, 求める, 冀望, 願う, 念願, 志望, 望む, 念じる
- hope for; have a wish; "I wish I could go home now"
- 期待する
- request
- 要望, 要請, 頼む, 求める, 依頼, 求む
- ask (a person) to do something; "She asked him to be here at noon"; "I requested that she type the entire manuscript"
- (人に)何かをするよう頼む
- want
- 捜し回る, 捜す, 求める, 探し回る, 求む, 探す
- hunt or look for; want for a particular reason; "Your former neighbor is wanted by the FBI"; "Uncle Sam wants you"
- 求めて探すまたは探す
- desire, want
- 欲しがる, 希望, 願望, 欲する, 求める, 冀求, 欲求, 願う, 念願, 念う, 志望, 望む, 求む, 所望
- feel or have a desire for; want strongly; "I want to go home now"; "I want my own room"
- それへの欲求を感じる、または持つ
- expect, ask, require
- 期待, 要求, 註文, 要望, 期する, 頼む, 期す, 乞う, 注文, 求める, 請う, 願う, 所期, 望む
- consider obligatory; request and expect; "We require our secretary to be on time"; "Aren't we asking too much of these children?"; "I expect my students to arrive in time for their lessons"
- 義務的であると考える
- like, care, wish
- 欲しがる, 希望, 願望, 欲する, 好き好む, 念ずる, 好む, 愛す, 愛する, 求める, 欲求, 願う, 念願, 志望, 望む, 好く, 念じる, 所望
- prefer or wish to do something; "Do you care to try this dish?"; "Would you like to come along to the movies?"
- 何かするのを好むか、またはしたいと願う
- demand
- 談じ込む, 要求, 註文, 督促, 詰寄る, 要望, 強要, 要請, 督する, 注文, 求める, 迫る, つめ寄る, 催促, 請求, 督責, 促す, 詰めよる
- request urgently and forcefully; "The victim's family is demanding compensation"; "The boss demanded that he be fired immediately"; "She demanded to see the manager"
- 緊急に、そして、力強く要請する
- quest, bespeak, call for, request
- 要求, 要望, 頼む, 求める, 願う, リクエスト, 求む, 所望
- express the need or desire for; ask for; "She requested an extra bed in her room"; "She called for room service"
- 必要性かは欲求を表わす
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