英日字典: charm
KK Pronunciation
〔 tʃɑrm 〕
〔 tʃɑːm 〕
The charm has 8 Senses.
- appeal, appealingness, charm
- 魅力
- attractiveness that interests or pleases or stimulates; "his smile was part of his appeal to her"
- 興味を持たせ、喜ばせ、刺激を与える魅力
- charm, magic spell, magical spell, spell
- まじない, 咒文, 陀羅尼, 呪い, 呪文, 魔法, 呪
- a verbal formula believed to have magical force; "he whispered a spell as he moved his hands"; "inscribed around its base is a charm in Balinese"
- 不思議な力を持つと考えられる言語の様式
- charm, good luck charm
- 符, 守, 御守り, 御符, 護身符, お札, 魔よけ, 呪符, 神符, お守, 護符, 御札, お守り, 御守, 魔除け, 納札, 納め札, 守り, 札, おまじない
- something believed to bring good luck
- 幸運をもたらすと信じられているもの
- charm
- (physics) one of the six flavors of quark
- クォークの6つのフレイバーの1つ
- capture, enamor, becharm, charm, trance, entrance, captivate, bewitch, catch, enamour, beguile, fascinate, enchant
- 引き付ける, 引付る, 魅惑, 掴む, 引付ける, 惹きつける, 引きつける, チャーム, 捉らえる, 惹き付ける, 魅する, 魅了, 捕らえる, 捉える, 惹く, 魅す
- attract; cause to be enamored; "She captured all the men's hearts"
- 引き付ける
- becharm, charm
- control by magic spells, as by practicing witchcraft
- 魔術を行うことによるように、魔力で制御される
- charm
- protect through supernatural powers or charms
- 超自然の力または魔力を通じて守護する
- charm, influence, tempt
- induce into action by using one's charm; "She charmed him into giving her all his money"
- 魅力の使用によって行為に引き起こす
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