英日字典: take_out
The take_out has 14 Senses.
- take out, remove, move out
- 連れ出す, 移す
- cause to leave; "The teacher took the children out of the classroom"
- 去る理由
- take out, unpack
- 取り出す, 取出す
- remove from its packing; "unpack the presents"
- 梱包から取り出す
- take out, take away
- take out or remove; "take out the chicken after adding the vegetables"
- 取り出すまたは取り除く
- take out
- 認可を受ける, ライセンスを取得する
- obtain by legal or official process; "take out a license"; "take out a patent"
- 法的または公式な過程で得る
- take out
- remove something from a container or an enclosed space
- 容器または包まれた空間から中身を取り除く
- take out, buy food
- purchase prepared food to be eaten at home
- 自宅で食べるように調理された料理を購入する
- take out, withdraw, draw off, draw
- 持ち出す, 取り出す, 引き出す
- remove (a commodity) from (a supply source); "She drew $2,000 from the account"; "The doctors drew medical supplies from the hospital's emergency bank"
- (供給源)から(必需品を)移動させる
- get out, take out, pull, pull out, draw
- 抜きとる, 取り出す, 引っこぬく, 抜く, 引っ張り出す, 抜き取る, 抜取る, 引っぱり出す, 引抜く, 掴み出す, 抜きだす, 引出す, 引っこ抜く, 引き抜く, 抜き出す, 引き出す, 引ん抜く, 取出す
- bring, take, or pull out of a container or from under a cover; "draw a weapon"; "pull out a gun"; "The mugger pulled a knife on his victim"
- 容器からまたはカバーの下から持ってくる、持っていくまたは引っ張ってくる 270
- take out, draw
- 汲む, 汲み上げる, 汲上げる
- take liquid out of a container or well; "She drew water from the barrel"
- 容器か井戸から液体を取り出す
- take out, pull up, pull, draw out, pull out, extract
- 引く, 引張出す, 抜きとる, 取り出す, 引っこぬく, 抜く, 引張る, 引っ張り出す, 抜き取る, 抜き上げる, 抜き去る, 引っぱり出す, 抜きさる, 摘む, 取出だす, 引抜く, 抜きだす, 引出す, 抜去る, 扱ぐ, 引っこ抜く, 引張り出す, 引き抜く, 切り抜く, 抜き出す, 取り出だす, 引き出す, 引き摺り出す, 引ん抜く, 取出す, 摘出, とり出す, 引きずり出す
- remove, usually with some force or effort; also used in an abstract sense; "pull weeds"; "extract a bad tooth"; "take out a splinter"; "extract information from the telegram"
- 通常何らかの力か努力で、取り外す
- take out, take away
- buy and consume food from a restaurant or establishment that sells prepared food; "We'll take out pizza, since I am too tired to cook"
- 調理済みの食物を販売するレストランまたは施設の食べ物を購入し消費する
- take out, excerpt, extract
- take out of a literary work in order to cite or copy
- 文学作品から引用または複写するために写し取る
- take out, except, leave off, exclude, omit, leave out
- 切捨てる, 省く, 除却, 除す, 取捨てる, 略す, はね除ける, 抜く, 略する, 取りのける, オミット, 除去, 省略, 除ける, 抜き去る, 取り除ける, 抜きさる, 除外, 取りすてる, 撥ねる, カット, 排する, シャットアウト, 除斥, 脱略, 除する, 抜去る, 取り除く, 排除, 撥ね除ける, 撥除ける, 外す, 洩らす, 出す, 排他, 擯斥, 除く, 漏らす, とり捨てる, 切り捨てる, 撥ねのける, 省除, 排斥
- prevent from being included or considered or accepted; "The bad results were excluded from the report"; "Leave off the top piece"
- 含まれる、考慮される、または受け入れられることを防ぐ
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