英日字典: 汚い
16 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- dirty, foul, marked-up
- 汚い
- (of a manuscript) defaced with changes; "foul (or dirty) copy"
- (原稿の) 変化で、損なわれます
- base, meanspirited, mean
- 下司, 賎陋, 低劣, みにくい, 汚い, 鄙劣, 下種, さもしい, 醜い, 下衆, 穢い, 醜悪, 賎しい, あさましい, 下劣, 穢ない, せこい, 汚ない, 賤しい, 端ない, 陋劣, 浅ましい, 俗, 卑しい, 賎劣, 卑劣
- having or showing an ignoble lack of honor or morality; "that liberal obedience without which your army would be a base rabble"- Edmund Burke; "taking a mean advantage"; "chok'd with ambition of the meaner sort"- Shakespeare; "something essentially vulgar and meanspirited in politics"
- 下品な敬意、あるいは道徳の欠落があること、あるいは示すさま
- dirty, lousy, filthy
- 汚らわしい, むさい, 嫌らしい, 醜穢, 汚い, 薄汚ない, 穢らわしい, 穢い, 不潔, ダーティ, 薄ぎたない, 薄っ汚い, 穢わしい, 厭やらしい, 汚わしい, いぶせい, 下劣, 穢ない, ダーティー, 汚ない, うす汚い, えげつない, 薄汚い
- vile; despicable; "a dirty (or lousy) trick"; "a filthy traitor"
- 不潔な
- awful, nasty
- 嫌らしい, 汚い, 意地悪, 意地悪い, 厭らしい, いやらしい, 穢い, 悪性, 非道い, 厭わしい, 厭, 穢ない, 汚ない, えげつない, 嫌
- offensive or even (of persons) malicious; "in a nasty mood"; "a nasty accident"; "a nasty shock"; "a nasty smell"; "a nasty trick to pull"; "Will he say nasty things at my funeral?"- Ezra Pound
- 攻撃的あるいは、さらに(人の)悪意のある
- dingy, grimy, grubby, begrimed, raunchy, grungy
- 汚い, 薄汚ない, 不潔, 薄ぎたない, 垢臭い, うす汚い, 薄汚い
- thickly covered with ingrained dirt or soot; "a miner's begrimed face"; "dingy linen"; "grimy hands"; "grubby little fingers"; "a grungy kitchen"
- 染みついたほこりまたはすすで厚く覆われた
- dirty, pestiferous
- 汚い
- contaminated with infecting organisms; "dirty wounds"; "obliged to go into infected rooms"- Jane Austen
- 起炎菌で、汚染される
- dirty
- 汚い
- expressing or revealing hostility or dislike; "dirty looks"
- 敵意または嫌悪を表明すること、または明らかにするさま
- polluted, contaminated
- 汚い
- rendered unwholesome by contaminants and pollution; "had to boil the contaminated water"; "polluted lakes and streams"
- 汚染物質と汚染によって有害にされた
- dirty, soiled, unclean
- 穢らしい, 汚い, 不衛生, 穢い, 穢ならしい, 不潔, 穢ない, 汚ない, 汚らしい, 汚ならしい
- soiled or likely to soil with dirt or grime; "dirty unswept sidewalks"; "a child in dirty overalls"; "dirty slums"; "piles of dirty dishes"; "put his dirty feet on the clean sheet"; "wore an unclean shirt"; "mining is a dirty job"; "Cinderella did the dirty work while her sisters preened themselves"
- 汚れまたはほこり汚れたまたは汚れるような
- sneaky, underhand, underhanded
- 後ぐらい, 後暗い, 陰湿, 汚い, 後ろぐらい, こすい, 陰険, 狡い, 不明朗, うしろ暗い
- marked by deception; "achieved success in business only by underhand methods"
- 詐欺で、マークされる
- dirty, sordid
- 汚い
- unethical or dishonest; "dirty police officers"; "a sordid political campaign"
- 非倫理的または不正直の
- sordid, flyblown, squalid
- 汚い, むさ苦しい
- foul and run-down and repulsive; "a flyblown bar on the edge of town"; "a squalid overcrowded apartment in the poorest part of town"; "squalid living conditions"; "sordid shantytowns"
- 汚くて疲れはてて不快な
- messy, mussy
- 汚い, ごちゃごちゃ, 乱雑, ごっちゃ, しどろ, もじゃもじゃ, 擾々たる, ごった, ごしゃごしゃ, むさ苦しい, 雑然たる, 擾擾たる, もしゃもしゃ, ごじゃごじゃ, むさくるしい
- dirty and disorderly; "a mussy fussy bedroom"; "a child's messy eating habits"
- 汚くて無秩序な
- dirty, unsporting, foul, unsportsmanlike, cheating
- 後ろぎたない, 穢らしい, 汚い, 後穢い, 穢い, 穢ならしい, 後ろ穢い, ダーティ, 不正, 穢ない, 後汚い, ダーティー, 汚ない, 枉惑, 汚らしい, 後ろ汚い, 汚ならしい
- violating accepted standards or rules; "a dirty fighter"; "used foul means to gain power"; "a nasty unsporting serve"; "fined for unsportsmanlike behavior"
- 認められた標準または規則に違反する
- crude, earthy, vulgar, gross
- 卑陋, 賎げ, 嫌らしい, 鄙陋, 粗陋, 汚い, 鄙劣, 端たない, 俚俗, ぼうぞく, 厭らしい, いやらしい, 悪趣味, 低俗, 粗野, 賎しい, 賎しげ, 野卑, 俗っぽい, 低級, 下品, 卑げ, えげつない, 賤しい, 端ない, 卑しげ, 卑俗, 麁陋, 野鄙, 陋劣, 淫ら, 卑しい, 卑劣, 俗悪
- conspicuously and tastelessly indecent; "coarse language"; "a crude joke"; "crude behavior"; "an earthy sense of humor"; "a revoltingly gross expletive"; "a vulgar gesture"; "full of language so vulgar it should have been edited"
- 目だって、無味乾燥に下品な
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