英日字典: 努める
9 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- toy, fiddle, diddle, play
- 引く, 掛ける, 弾く, 努める, 曳く, 牽く, 演じる, 戯れる, 勤める, 務める, 架ける, 演ずる, 為る
- manipulate manually or in one's mind or imagination; "She played nervously with her wedding ring"; "Don't fiddle with the screws"; "He played with the idea of running for the Senate"
- 手動で、人の精神あるいは想像力で操作する
- serve
- 奉じる, 勤仕, 努める, 事える, 奉ずる, 尽くす, 仕る, 仕える
- devote (part of) one's life or efforts to, as of countries, institutions, or ideas; "She served the art of music"; "He served the church"; "serve the country"
- 自身の人生、努力をささげる、国、機関、あるいは考えのように
- play
- 引く, 掛ける, 弾く, 努める, 曳く, 遊ぶ, 牽く, 演じる, 戯れる, 勤める, 務める, 架ける, 演ずる, 為る
- cause to move or operate freely within a bounded space; "The engine has a wheel that is playing in a rack"
- 境界内で自由に動くまたは作動する
- play
- 引く, 掛ける, プレー, 弾く, 努める, 曳く, 牽く, 演じる, 戯れる, 勤める, 務める, 架ける, 演ずる, 為る
- perform on a certain location; "The prodigy played Carnegie Hall at the age of 16"; "She has been playing on Broadway for years"
- 特定の場所で実行する
- toy, flirt, play, dally
- 引く, 掛ける, 弾く, 努める, 曳く, 牽く, 演じる, 戯れる, 勤める, 務める, 架ける, 演ずる, 為る
- behave carelessly or indifferently; "Play about with a young girl's affection"
- 不注意に、または、無関心にふるまう
- tug, drive, labor, labour, push
- 努める, 前進, 気張る, 推しすすめる
- strive and make an effort to reach a goal; "She tugged for years to make a decent living"; "We have to push a little to make the deadline!"; "She is driving away at her doctoral thesis"
- 奮闘し、ゴールに達する努力をする
- seek, attempt, try, essay, assay
- トライ, 企てる, 勉める, 努める, 図る, 見る, 試す, 試みる, 試行, 挑む, 努力, 験す, 験する
- make an effort or attempt; "He tried to shake off his fears"; "The infant had essayed a few wobbly steps"; "The police attempted to stop the thief"; "He sought to improve himself"; "She always seeks to do good in the world"
- 努力する、または試みる
- strive, endeavor, endeavour
- 心懸ける, 勤しむ, 勉める, 努める, 力行, 励む, 奮励, 心掛ける, 務める, 努力, 尽力
- attempt by employing effort; "we endeavor to make our customers happy"
- 努力を費やして試みる
- play
- 引く, 掛ける, 弾く, 努める, 曳く, 遊ぶ, 牽く, 演じる, 戯れる, 勤める, 務める, 架ける, 演ずる, 為る
- discharge or direct or be discharged or directed as if in a continuous stream; "play water from a hose"; "The fountains played all day"
- 連続した流れの中にいるかのように、放出するかまたは導くかまたは放出されるかまたは導かれるか
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