英日字典: 責める
9 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- harry, molest, provoke, harass, chivy, chevvy, plague, chivvy, chevy, beset, hassle
- 悩ます, 煩わす, 嫌がらせ, 責めさいなむ, 責める, いたぶる, 責苛む, 煩わせる, 苛む, 苦しめる, 責め立てる, 苛める
- annoy continually or chronically; "He is known to harry his staff when he is overworked"; "This man harasses his female co-workers"
- 継続的に、または慢性的に悩ます
- blame, find fault, pick
- 批難, 誹議, 咎める, 非議, 穿り出す, 難詰, 指弾, 責める, 詰る, 非難, 問責, 兎や角言う, とやかく言う, 弾劾, 糾弾
- harass with constant criticism; "Don't always pick on your little brother"
- 恒常的な批判で脅す
- torture, excruciate, torment
- 可愛がる, 拷問, 責めさいなむ, 責める, 切り苛む, 呵む, いたぶる, 甚振る, 攻め苛む, 嘖む, 責苛む, 苛む, 責め苛む
- subject to torture; "The sinners will be tormented in Hell, according to the Bible"
- 拷問を受ける
- torture, excruciate, torment, rack
- 小衝く, いびる, 小突回す, 小突き回す, 小突きまわす, 拷問, 責問, こづき回す, 責めさいなむ, 責める, 切り苛む, いたぶる, 甚振る, 攻め苛む, 嘖む, 責苛む, 苛む, 小衝き回す, 責め苛む, 苛める, 嬲る, 虐める, 小づく
- torment emotionally or mentally
- 感情的または精神的に苦しめる
- charge
- 攻撃, 難じる, 突く, 責める, 告発, 問う
- make an accusatory claim; "The defense attorney charged that the jurors were biased"
- 非難するような主張をする
- charge, accuse
- 難じる, 指弾, 責める
- blame for, make a claim of wrongdoing or misbehavior against; "he charged the director with indifference"
- 咎める、不行状または悪事についての主張を行う
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