英日字典: 遮る
9 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- interrupt, break
- 切る, 絶つ, 途切らす, 中断, 途切らせる, 遮る, 止める, 断つ, 中絶, 中止, 仲断
- terminate; "She interrupted her pregnancy"; "break a lucky streak"; "break the cycle of poverty"
- 終わらす
- cut off, cut
- 断ち截る, 打切る, 打ち切る, カット, 遮る, 遮断, 断つ, 断截る, 断截
- cease, stop; "cut the noise"; "We had to cut short the conversation"
- やむ、止まる
- cut short
- 遮る, 中断させる
- cause to end earlier than intended; "The spontaneous applause cut the singer short"
- 意味されるより早く終わらせる
- blockade, stymie, hinder, block, obstruct, stymy, embarrass
- 立塞がる, 差障る, 断ち截る, 障る, 立ちはだかる, 差しさわる, 妨害, 差しつかえる, 邪魔立て, お邪魔, 断ちきる, 阻碍, 堰く, ブロック, 差支える, 封じる, 妨げる, 拒む, 截ち切る, 完封, 差し障る, 阻止, 阻礙, 途切らせる, 邪魔, 遮る, 立ちふさがる, 封鎖, 断ち切る, さし障る, 妨碍, 差し支える, 阻む, 立塞る, 御邪魔, 遮断, 阻害, 断つ, 断截る, 邪魔だて, 抑える, 沮む, 立ち塞る, 封ずる, 抑えつける, 立ち塞がる, 断切る, 沮止
- hinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of; "His brother blocked him at every turn"
- 進歩か達成を妨げるか、または防ぐ
- jam, block, occlude, obstruct, close up, impede, obturate
- 閉塞, 塞ぐ, 閉ざす, 塞げる, ブロック, 壅塞, 閉鎖, 封じる, 壅ぐ, 遮る, 封鎖, 壅塞阻止, 遮断, 断つ, 封ずる
- block passage through; "obstruct the path"
- 通行を妨げる
- interrupt, disrupt
- 妨害, 邪魔立て, 中断, 割り込む, 邪魔, 割りこむ, 遮る, 妨碍, 干渉, 邪魔だて, 割込む
- interfere in someone else's activity; "Please don't interrupt me while I'm on the phone"
- 他人の活動に口出しする
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