英日字典: slash
KK Pronunciation
〔 slæʃ 〕
〔 slæʃ 〕
The slash has 9 Senses.
- slash
- an open tract of land in a forest that is strewn with debris from logging (or fire or wind)
- 伐採(あるいは火事や風)によって木くずが散らかった森の空き地
- gash, slash
- 切傷, 切り疵, 傷, 疵, 切り創, 切り傷
- a strong sweeping cut made with a sharp instrument
- 鋭い刃物による深く長い切り傷
- slash, cut down
- 切落す, 伐り倒す, 切倒す, 切りはらう, 斬りはらう, 斬り払う, 切り落す, 斬払う, 切払う, 切落とす, 伐倒す, 切り落とす, 切りおとす, 切り倒す, 伐りたおす
- cut with sweeping strokes; as with an ax or machete
- 徹底的なストロークで切断する
- slash, gash
- 切り込む
- cut open; "she slashed her wrists"
- 切開する
- slash
- 削減
- cut drastically; "Prices were slashed"
- 抜本的に切り取る
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