英日字典: ward
KK Pronunciation
〔 wɒrd 〕
〔 wɒ:d 〕
The ward has 8 Senses.
- ward
- 被後見人
- a person who is under the protection or in the custody of another
- 誰かの保護あるいは管理下にある人
- ward
- 区
- a district into which a city or town is divided for the purpose of administration and elections
- 行政や選挙のために分割する市や町の区域
- ward, hospital ward
- 病棟, 病舎
- block forming a division of a hospital (or a suite of rooms) shared by patients who need a similar kind of care; "they put her in a 4-bed ward"
- 同じ種類の治療を必要とする患者が集められた病院の一区画(あるいは一続きの部屋)
- ward, cellblock
- a division of a prison (usually consisting of several cells)
- 刑務所の一角(通例いくつかの房から成る)
- ward, guard
- 看守, 後見, 防衛, 護衛, 警守, 防護, 守護, 心くばり, 視る, 警衛, ガード, 守備, 護る, 警備, 見る, 差し固める, 心配り, 警戒, 守る, 警護, 防備, 見張る, 監視, 用心, 見守る, 警固
- watch over or shield from danger or harm; protect; "guard my possessions while I'm away"
- 危険または危害を見張るか、保護する
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