英日字典: 監視
10 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- sentry duty, sentry go, guard duty, guard
- 後見, 歩哨, 守衛, ガード, 警備, 備え, 監視, 衛兵, 見張り
- the duty of serving as a sentry; "he was on guard that night"
- 歩哨の仕事をすること
- watch, vigil
- 番, 監視, 見張り
- a purposeful surveillance to guard or observe
- 護衛や観察のために行う、目的のある監視
- surveillance
- 監督, 観察, 見張, サーベイランス, 監視
- close observation of a person or group (usually by the police)
- ある人間あるいはグループの緻密な観察(通常警察によって)
- supervise, monitor
- モニター, 監視
- keep tabs on; keep an eye on; keep under surveillance; "we are monitoring the air quality"; "the police monitor the suspect's moves"
- 見張る
- guard
- 看守, 警守, 警衛, ガード, 警備, 見る, 警戒, 守る, 警護, 見張る, 監視, 見守る, 警固
- to keep watch over; "there would be men guarding the horses"
- を見張る
- follow, observe, keep an eye on, watch over, watch
- 注視, 見る, 追う, 看視, 見張る, 監視, 見まもる, 見守る
- follow with the eyes or the mind; "Keep an eye on the baby, please!"; "The world is watching Sarajevo"; "She followed the men with the binoculars"
- 目または心で追う
- look after
- 監視
- keep under careful scrutiny; "Keep an eye on this prisoner!"
- 慎重に調査し続ける
- ward, guard
- 看守, 後見, 防衛, 護衛, 警守, 防護, 守護, 心くばり, 視る, 警衛, ガード, 守備, 護る, 警備, 見る, 差し固める, 心配り, 警戒, 守る, 警護, 防備, 見張る, 監視, 用心, 見守る, 警固
- watch over or shield from danger or harm; protect; "guard my possessions while I'm away"
- 危険または危害を見張るか、保護する
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